Starrynight's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use


- Don't use my designs for commercial use

- Don't claim my designs

- If reposting please give me design credit

- Don't take my designs off of Toyhouse, If you put them on private please give me access

- I have the right to take back designs for whatever reason(I usually DO NOT unless I want to re-design or the design isn't in use)

- Do not redesign to the point it's unrecognizable

- Don't sell for more then you got it for without extra art added

- My characters remain under my TOS regardless if you own them and have a TOS

- Don't make rip-off's of my designs

- If making profit off my design I have the right to get some of said profit( Can be discussed)

- Do not give my designs to people on my Blacklist, it will get you blacklisted as well

- This is always subject to change