hu tao



1 year, 4 months ago


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hu tao

young adult . fem . she/her

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「 fragrance in thaw 」

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alias hu tao
species specatril (variant)
age young adult
spec type elemental
role funeral parlor director
affiliation wangsheng funeral parlor
demeanor eccentric
alignment chaotic / true neutral

Hu Tao is the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, a person vital to managing funerary affairs. She does her utmost to flawlessly carry out a person's last rites and preserve the world's balance of yin and yang. Aside from this, she is also a talented poet who has created many "masterpieces."


Positive witty / outgoing / spontaneous

Neutral shrewd / free spirited / adjective

Negative eccentric / overbearing / adjective

She is a young lady who manages the parlor's operations. Despite her position, she's an amiable person who puts on no airs. Her antics are as plentiful as the sand on the desert strait. She never ceases to shock people with her countless bizarre ideas.

She may seem like all play and no work, spending every free moment on leisure and being widely considered a laissez-faire business owner. It is only during funeral ceremonies, when she personally leads her undertakers through lamp-lit alleys, that she shows her dignified and solemn side.


  • She had to spend an entire day and night to modify her hat with her own hands such that its dimensions would fit hers. She greatly cherishes the hat, and no matter the rain or storm, or if Hu Tao returns late covered in muck, that hat will remain spotless and clean.
  • She often accosciates herself with and uses the motifs of butterflies, in reference to how Chinese traditions commonly associate them with life and death, and the dead.
  • The plum blossom that adorns the side of her hat is plucked from a plum tree that Hu Tao planted and grew herself. This is associated with her title, Fragrance in Thaw, which refers to winter transitioning into spring.
  • seafood
  • poetry
  • pranks
  • combat
  • exotic food
  • lightning


"Oh, them? Hehe... They're just so sweet, really! I think most people get scared off by their outward appearnce - but I do hope they can make more friends!"

Character Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Character Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Character Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


designer : @ kirakilla

  • absolutely and most certainly inspired by hutao from genshin impact.
  • her clothes actually have much more detail (refer to the actual hutao for reference), but I was just too lazy.
  • she has rings and other decorations that adorn her hands, such as a small, darkly colored v-shaped decoration on one of her fingers.
  • she currently pending a minor redesign! this is just consisting of a few of her patterns, and minor clothing details.
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code by Leporidactic | decors via fontmeme