
1 year, 4 months ago



»»-----------LEGENDS OF KROZATHIS-----------►


AGE: 20
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Smilodon



Currently N/A



MAX - [ Brother ]

Currently N/A



When the evil kings Gev and Red had decided to adopt some kids, Max was taken by Gev during a raid, this separated him from Lara, his sister, who was hidden better. Their mother tried to rescue Max, but this got her killed. Max then vowed to himself he would only survive and do what was asked of him in order to find his sister Lara again and escape the king's grasp by running far away. Gev had taken a liking to Max for his hard work and dedication, and made him his and Red's fourth son. Over time, Max never forgot about his sister, but the darkness had taken over his heart, he was a loyal son to the kings now and had plans to convert Lara to his side if he should meet her again. He also developed a crush on his adopted sister Pandora, however, she despised him the most out of her adopted brothers, she viewed him as weak.

Max would eventually meet Lara again, only to find she is now the leader of a resistance that has plagued the kings for years. He ends up betraying her after discovering this, and this ultimately will lead to her death. In the future, Max is one of the siblings Pandora kills.

Lara had devoted her time to training herself how to fight, she was determined to rescue her brother no matter what.

A mysterious stranger named H'ghar had noticed Lara quite a lot while he'd be patrolling the area, he was intrigued by her and what she was doing. He eventually introduced himself to her and asked her what she was up to, when she told him her story he immediately asked her to join him and his group he's put together whose mission is to kill the kings. She gladly accepts.

Unknown to Lara at this point, Max had fallen into evil and now has plans on converting her to the dark side if he ever sees her again.

Lara and H'ghar ended up becoming mates while he was training her to be a skilled warrior, making her second in command of their group, he admired her for her selflessness, bravery, dedication, commitment, and other qualities that he believed this group, and himself, needed.

Now that Lara had gained new useful skills and a leadership position, she began to lead her own raids on the evil kingdom to free the stolen kids, among other things. During one of her missions she ran into her brother Max, she was overjoyed to see that her brother was still alive, he too was happy to see her, but he was also pained because he knew he was going to betray her. The two had forgotten their objectives for a while, catching up with each other. Eventually though Max followed through with leading his sister into a trap set by his adopted sister Pandora, who would kill them both.



Currently N/A


code by hanyu