Mearna McKay



1 year, 4 months ago


Design notes:

-She doesnt have vitiligo, those are lil splotch markings like on a goat that have a habit of moving whenever you look away from her. They don't need to be consistent!

-She doesnt canonically have pupils, but you're free to draw her with them if you want & I don't specify otherwise. I suck at not making pupilless eyes look dead inside lmao (there are a few images in the gallery showing them)

-The ribbons around her arms are very tight, and are meant to act as a kind of tourniquet to stop the necrosis on her hands from spreading. It's not really effective since it's a magical effect, but yknow.

Note..I used the roll for backstory thing in Xanathars guide for some things because I thought it'd be funny. It's gonna be really obvious what was just rolled on LOL

Mearna McKay, Satyr Glamour bard. She's for a homebrew setting that diverges from the forgotton realms quite a bit - The feywild is the land of dreams, where all souls go in their sleep Fey creatures are created from their god's hallucinatory dream, hence her being a bit weirder than your average satyr.

Mearna was born into a noble family, raised solely by her father. She was a sextuplet - her mother died giving birth to her & her 5 siblings. (the dice decided this and I thoughr it was funny enough to keep) They grew up in the father's mansion, which was built right at the edge of a rift between the Feywilds and Material Plane. Occasionally the building would shift between the two realms & the kids would regularly go and harass the locals. This is where Mearna met the Mimicmancer. Somehow they became friends. Somehow. They were young and foolish & frequently went on several adventures together in the pursuit of mimic collecting. Because they're losers. one of these adventures ended in them stumbling upon a cursed artifact - touching it caused a magical necrosis to infect her, starting from her hands and creeping upwards. She doesnt know the full nature of the curse, as it prevents her from returning to the Feywilds, where she would probably be able to get it fixed fairly easily.