Blossom Rose (Blossom & Max)



Max & Blossom


Max Vargas

37 / Male / Straight

charming resourceful callous
Status Married
Nature Romantic
Bond Strong
Chemistry Strong
Since 2+ Years
Theme Savanah

Blossom Rose

32 / Female / Straight

optimistic generous spoiled


First Meeting

If you listened to Blossom it was a meeting right out of a romantic movie. Picture it: a young woman new to New York City life in the subway station. She's a bit naive and she's a bit too trusting and then her purse is snatched right out from under her nose. No one is there to help - no doubt they assume that she could simply cancel the cards and cut herself at a loss for any cash lost; to them it's Not A Big Deal. And then....he appears. He's tall, dark, and handsome with brooding good looks. He's the one that goes after the purse snatcher and turns them into a would be thief, returning Blossom's purse to her with the contents all present and accounted for. How could a woman not swoon at such an introduction? (They don't talk about Max not catching her because what the hell)

Relationship Dynamic

For Max, Blossom opens up a door to trusting people again, to not feeling like he always has to brace himself for the worst case scenario. She makes him believe in romance again, that people can be basically kind, and to have a little bit of whimsy going on. She taught Max that he could have fun and enjoy things without ever having to feel like something was going to go wrong with it all. For Blossom, Max taught her how to look at things more realistically - maybe she didn't have to stop believing in the good in all things, but she had to learn how to budget money and be a little more wary of some things that came her way. He taught her to be a bit more self reliant and helped show her more realistic ways to start working at her goals then the occasional "I want it so it'll happen".




  • Blossom has convinced Max to help alter the weather so they can go on picnics together.
  • They have two demon imps that come and go to help them around the apartment.
  • Max suffers through musicals and Disney movies for Blossom and pretends he doesn't like them.
  • They have a little girl named Maxine, or Maxie as she's called; she was born before the two got married.