


1 year, 3 months ago



Nova is round-faced, with a youthful appearance despite the faint wrinkles about her eyes. her skin is tawny-brown with cool pink undertones- smooth and unblemished, lacking any of the scars of Norah. her eyes are dark brown, but she has a small fleck of pale blue in her left iris. her hair is loosely coily, cut very short, and dark dusky brown in colour.


informational books, tea, old holotape recordings of stageplays and ballets, commonwealth radio stations, bread and jam, haruo


being told what to do, sugary drinks, the bland ass food packets u get given in the institute, classical radio, also haruo


a third-generation synth woman built in the likeness of the deceased Norah Daly, by her son Shaun Lovett and his scientists in the Institute. since Norah died in Vault 111 from a bullet to the brain, none of her personality or memories could be recovered, though they tried. her new form was no more than a replica, a blank slate. Shaun scrapped the project in frustration, and she was put into 'storage' (a cryo facility, ironically, just like the one the first Norah had died in), as he couldn't bring himself to destroy her.

years later, Shaun let his father Haruo Lovett out of Vault 111, and eventually met with him for the first time. Shaun awakens Norah, and presents her to Haruo as a gift, after having her psychologically 'programmed' to assume the role of his wife. she knows how she's supposed to act, but she can't make it genuine. Haruo eventually notices, which she's glad about. she grows to like him more when she doesn't have to pretend, and he becomes her only friend. she can still tell he gets sad when he looks at her, though.

she cuts off her hair, changing her appearance in the only way she can, differentiating herself from the original Norah and exercising the autonomy that all synths are denied inside the Institute. she takes up reading- anything she can get her hands on, and eventually books brought to her from the Commonwealth by Haruo. she renames herself Nova- meaning 'new'- she finds it quite fitting. she doesn't get to interact with anybody besides Haruo- and inevitably grows dependent on him. it hurts her that he doesn't return her affections but he is her only lifeline.

eventually Nova expresses her desire to leave. some part of her can feel the end of the Institute drawing near. she wants to go somewhere she can exist fully as herself, as an individual, rather than an approximation of a woman she never knew, or as an object- which synths are treated as in the Institute. much to her dismay, Haruo pretty much tells her he can't help her. in truth, he could probably get her out of the Institute; but at the cost of his own standing within the Institute and the Institute's trust in him, which is already thinning by this point. Nova understands but it sours her feelings towards him, and leaves her feeling alone once again.