faved 🏗️+ subbed ty

Thank you for the chance x3
Faved this + comms!

Faved this + comms!

Faved raffle + comm sheet !

This user is not visible to guests.

Faved this + already faved comm sheet + subbed + bulletin!

Faved this and comms sheet was previously faved + already subbed + followed your IG (cozyyy_cora) + my bulletin!

This user is not visible to guests.

faved both!

ive done the basics !

faved both this and the comm sheet! <3

faved all and subbed!! i love ur art sm <:0

Favorited both this and the comms sheet, subbed to your TH, and followed your insta on the account simonide_ !!

Did all the obligatory requirements + subscribed! 

faved this and tha extra

entering!! did everything required <3

This user is not visible to guests.

Faved this, faved your coms, subbed, followed on insta(My insta) and made a bulletin! ^.^

Thank you for this opportunity!

This user's account has been closed.

faved this! :) already had ur comms faved, already subbed & already following ur insta

Did everything! 


Insta is @discount_munchies (idk how to link it sorry) 

This user is not visible to guests.

Faved this and coms sheet

Done fave both and already subscribed

Favorited both and subscribed!! Thank you for the chance! :)

faved both and followed on ig (__tenth__)! ty for hosting

I fav’d both, subscribed, and followed your insta <3


favored botha nd subbed! You have such a pretty art style!!

This user is not visible to guests.

Faved both + subbed!

Favved both and was already subbed!

faved this and your commission sheet as well as subbed! thank you so much for the opportunity :)

Faved all, subscribed, followed your insta! (pastalover57

Faved all, and subbed ANNND followed on insta!! :]

my insta-- https://www.instagram.com/rhysirl/

did everything + the extras

-my insta user https://instagram.com/eyeballs0_0?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 

-link to bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1135860.raffle-go-eat

tysm for the chance!   

Faves this, comm page and subbed! Tysm for the opportunity <3

This user is not visible to guests.

Faved raflle and comm, followed Th and instagram !

did all! heres my bulletin and my insta is renofthewoods

Did everything!!

  • Faved this profile and your comm
  • Subbed to your TH
  • Made a bulletin
  • Followed your insta (admiralvain)

did all ! my insta is cafeecosplays , https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1135593.raffle-not-mine-

Faved both and subbed!

faved this and comm sheet, and followed th and insta


Favourited your commissions and this!!!

did the requirements and followed your toyhouse and instagram!!

Your art is so pretty :0

I faved this + your commission sheet, subbed, and followed on Insta ^^
User is @Jiareei on there!

Thank you for the opportunity! I faved this and the commission sheet, subbed, and followed your Instagram

My insta is @_tralfazzz_

Faved this + ur comm sheet + subbed! :^)

faved this + comm sheet and subbed!

did req + alread subbed ^-^

I did everything besides the bulletin (favorited, followed + subscribed)

Insta: gram_n_table

This user is not visible to guests.

Entering!!! Followed on insta for the extra (user is apple_cidder) !! Ty for the opportunity :D

Entering & followed u on insta, my insta’s ancient4liens :3

Faved both and subbed! Love the style !!

did all except the insta! bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1135066.artttt-rafflee

faved both!!

Did everything! including the extra entries^^ (faved this + the sheet, subbed here, followed on insta, made a bulletin)

insta : https://www.instagram.com/springsilver__/

bulletin : https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1134940.awesome-art-raffle-

faved and subbed!

Faved this + comms sheet! 

faved this + your comms sheet and followed your insta :>>> (hiitsfley)

Faved both and subscribed :D 

faved this + comms!

Tysm for oppurtunity i faved both and here’s bulletin im subbing now and I don’t have insta sorry https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1134810.free-art-not-mine-

Faved this and comms ^^

tysm for the chance! faved, already had yr comms faved, already subbed, made a bulletin, and following yr insta (crypticarthropod)!

This user is not visible to guests.

Hi there, faved this and the comms. Thanks for the chance, your art's absolutely gorgeous!

Faved & subbed! ^^

ty for the chance <3 

hiya! thank you for the opportunity! I adore your art style (*´ ˘ `*).。oO ( ♡ ) faved, faved commission sheet, subscribed, followed insta (aruolein), and here is the bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1134780.art-raffle-by-xenajen

did all! ty for the chance!! ig user is funkypjz & bulletin link is https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1134769.art-raffle-xenajen-

This user is not visible to guests.

already had comms faved and been subbed! 

Done required!

did everything but make a bulletin (Instagram is @poiibles)

done the required!

This user is not visible to guests.

faved this and the comm sheet (it was already faved i have no idea when i did that)

This user is not visible to guests.

favorited this and ur page!

Faved this and the comm sheet, followed on ig( khody.t )

Entering! Subbed and followed on IG (@/daturanass). Thanks for the chance!

Faved your com sheet! ^^ 

faved this and the comms, thanks for the opportunity!

Entering! Subbed to TH and Insta!

This user is not visible to guests.
This user's account has been closed.

Favourited this and the commission sheet!

Did everything including all extras! Here’s the bulletin and my insta link https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1134522.nm https://instagram.com/100mootaf?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Tysm for the chance! 

Faved all + subbed!! Tysm for the chance :D

This user is not visible to guests.


This user is not visible to guests.

faved this and the commission sheet ^^


Did the required and Im already subbed :D

Did all! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Bulletin - https://toyhou.se/20026840.free-art-raffle-

Insta User - alphyn_k9