


1 year, 3 months ago



"Protecting the clan... protecting those weaker than you... thats what being a Warrior is all about !"

  • name >Mosswater
    prefix meaning > For his fur colouring
    suffix meaning > for his intelligence
    previous names > Mosskit, Mosspaw
    nicknames > moz, mossy, mossball

    clan > Hail Clan
    previous clans > xxx
    rank > Warrior
    previous ranks >Kit, Apprentice
    mentor > Sootscorch
    apprentices > xxx
    current > xxx
    previous > xxx

    age >12+ moons
    gender > Male
    pronouns > he / him
    sex > Female
    sexuality > Gay

mossybaby.pngbasic description > A small, murky brown and white cat with green eyes and dense, slightly curled fur.

build > A short, medium build with large paws.
fur description > Soft, slightly curled and wispy
breeds > Munchkin Selkirk rex, Birman, Moggy

height > 16cm
weight > 7lbs
voice > attach a link to the voice canon
> scent fresh cut grass, crocusts, morning dew, fresh & earthy hints

scars > xxx
accessories > xxx
banned traits > xxx


Positive Traits

Moss has shown himself able to understand and sympathise with others' emotions and situations, seeming almost to share them at times when theyare intense.

Moss works hard to try to prove himself to others, never one to turn down an oppertunity to train, hunt or patrol, he is rarely seen just sitting around and resting as he feels the need to keep on getting stronger and better in order to catch up to the rest of the apprentices.

Moss is very respectful of everyone around him, showing an awareness of others and always ensuring to be considerate toward them, doing his best to ensure he treats others in the best was possible.

Neutral Traits
Moss has a good analytical mind and can form decent battle plans in a few seconds, mostly due to his habit of observing his fellow apprentices and even clan warriors in order to learn new techniques to use himself. though this can be quite off-putting to clanmates as he ends up sitting and staring for long periods of time to observe.

Moss can be quite slow to show his own opinions and emotions at times, Often he ends up entirely ignoring them in order to pay more attention to the emotional needs and opinions of his peers instead.

Moss is known to try to help or lecture people with personal and emotional problems, regardless if it's his business or not. He also shows a surprising willingness to take bold and brash risks in order ot help others, leading to quite reckless behaviors.

Negative Traits

Moss has a habit of never hesitating to help or rescue someone in danger, even if he knows that he might not be strong or otherwise qualified enough to do it. Often, he does this on instinct, taking a more careless approach despite knwowing it will endanger him in the process.

Moss can be very insecure about himself and his abilities/capabilities as an aspiring warrior, mostly due to other kits picking on him frequently when they were kits for being much smaller and weaker than the others in the nursey.


Moss can be quite suspicious of other cats, though it doesnt quite come from a place of inherent distrust, he simply tends to stay back an try to learn their personality, likes, dislikes and intentions before he approaches them himself, mostly ot of fear that they could pose a threat to his clanmates.


parents >
Firleap > A murky brown tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Cranestep > A brown and white tabby tom with hazel eyes.
siblings >
>> Pinekit >A muddy brown tabby Tom
>> Reedkit> A murky brown tabby she-cat with white toes.
>> Bullrushkit > A patchy pale brown and white tabby Tom

mate >
>> BLazestone > A tall and muscular ginger tom with long, thick and dense but silky unkempt fur.

kits >
>> name > short description

extended >

mate > Blazestone
previous mates > xxx
romantic interests >
looking for > None

likes in a potential mate
> Passionate.
> Determined.
> Outgoing.

dislikes in a potential mate >
> Overly dependent
> Pretentious
> Careless

interested in kits > Yes
preferred family size > Unbothered




Den Building

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
Firleap and Cranestep were two pretty quiet and private cats, preffering to keep mostly to themselves and their small world than be involved with much clan politics, their relationship had been one that formed early in their warriorhood, with Cranestep consistently showing up at just the right time to help Firleap with . whatever task or challenge she had found herself in.

It was likely no surprise when the duo announced they were expecting kits, and while the announcment at first had both parents excited, as time passed on the stresses and responsibility seemed to take something of a toll on them both, with Cranestep leaving the clan to join a twoleg family and become a kittypet only a moon or so before Mosspaw's birth. The pregnancy took a large strain on Firleap, and while four kits had been expected, three didnt make it and the one that did, Mosskit, was a small, weak little thing that barely wobbled its own tiny head, scaring the life out of the herbalist when he at first didnt mewl or cry in response to his mothers incessent licking.

Firleap smothered him from birth, essentially, always panicking over the smallest things out of fear of loosing her only surviving kit, even as he started to grow and gradually gather strength, albeit he was pretty behind what a kit his age should have been. Firleap raised him as best she could, nurturing, fussing, giving him her every scrap of attention in every waking moment, even if sometimes he wanted to be left alone to chase the bugs!

Only half a moon apart, Mosskit attempted (and in his mind, sucseeded) in befriending the only other singular kit in the nursery, a loud, tempermental tom by the name of Blazekit, much to the others distaste. The tiny, weak little kit soon became practically glued to his side despite the constant belittling and mockery.

Mosskit almost immediately idolised Blazekit, with his independence, strength and size, the way the bright coloured kit seemed to just... be able to voice his thoughts without a care for what any other cat thought. it intruiged him, how somecat could be so bold! He spent most of his days trying everything he could to befriend him, though often times failed and ended up playing alone in a corner of the nursery with his mother, away from the other kits to avoid the taunting.

He was pretty used to the insults thrown about by the time he was two moons old, most other kits seemed to follow in Blazekits pawsteps, teasing and bullying him for being so small, so weak.. Pointless, even. Despite this, once he found out about his friend's hearing ailments, Mosskit begged his mother, and any other cat he could, to teach him sign language , just in case Blaze ever lost it for good, he wanted to still be able to talk with his best friend after all !

He did notice the teasing and belittling worsen after the discovery of Blazekits hearing loss, though it only made him try harder to form a proper frienship, beleiving that under all the anger, Blazekit was just hurting. He kept at his attempts regardless, determined to get this volatile tom to see that he was only here to help !

A defining incident that occurred during his kithood was during an outing with Blazekit, Sparkbelly and his mother, Firleap. The two queens had been hopeful that perhaps spending some time away from the other kits would help the two figure out their differences and stop the near endless bickering between the two. During the outing supervised by their mothers and two other warriors, an argument had sparked up after Mosskit had tried to engage Bazekit by trying to show him an interestingly coloured frog he had found in the bracken. His attempts had been met only with insults and snide jabs, and despite Mosskit's adamance that it was fine, Blazekit had been snappily scolded by his mother.

Mosskit and the warriors had followed along after Blazekit as the taller kit ran from the scene in an angered state. Upon finding the ginger tom, Mosskit had panicked; caling out for the other it to move away from the edge as he ran over in panicked fear, taking over his mother and speeding over to his 'friend'. He wasnt surprised to be met with anger, however what he hadnt quite been expecting was a large paw shoving his small frame aside upon arrival. Small claws skidded and clamoured for grip on the ground as he was sent skidding over the edge, the two supervising warriors barely managing to get to the small kit and pulling him up before he tumbled entirey over from the precarious ridge.

The next moon or so for Mosskit were spent alone and bullied somehow even more, a good handful of kits murmuring about how it was his fault for being so weak, and that if hed just been stronger and bigger he couldve just climbed instead of getting Blazekit in trouble. his mother doted over him for this time, fussing, keeping Mosskit in her sight at all times, fearful that if he left her sight something awful would happen.

Bored out of his mind and practically confined to the entrance to the nursery and a small area around where his mother could keep an eye on him, he had resorted to playing with the bugs and beetles that crawled into the camp, clumsily batting it around with his paws. He could feel someone watching, breifly lifting his little head, he caught the last moments of his friend watching him play. Did Blazekit want to play too? surely by now he was allowed? Mosskit returned to his beetle, tumbling forward slightly to catch it in his teeth, being careful to not crunch it, the jovial little kit waddled (almost literally) over to the grouchy tom, beetle in tow, dropping it before the other with a smile and a playful wave of his tail, batting it toward him with one fluffy paw and waiting...! Taken by surprise when Blazekit pushed it back, an excited Mosskit jumped back up onto all four paws, and started to push it back toward him in a tiny game of.. catch?? or something??

The last moon of kithood was the best, in Mosskits opinion, Blazekit finally seemed to understand he wasnt there to hurt.. or.. something? and started to spend more and more time with the big bright furball, eagerly awakening each day to spend as much time as possible with his best friend, as moody as he may be; The mood swings never really bothered Mosskit, learning pretty quicky how to avoid a paw swipe or a warning nip, it almost became a game at times, with Mosspaw dancing away from the irritated swipes and initiating a .. perhaps slightly too intense game of tag. It usually worked to diffuse the anger, and if it didnt then, well... all he had to do was remind the other that it was okay! He never minded, thoough... the extra feathers that seemed to mysteriously appear after every ouburst were very much appreciated by the small kit.

Apprenticeship was a daunting idea, but one that Mosskit was ready for nonetheless, he was smaller and weaker than the others, sure, but he could still catch up ! he just had to try his very best, and he'd reach it, with Blazekit as his guidance, in mosskit's opinion, Blaze was going to be the perfect warrior one day. While the latter promised to become a warrior and protect him, Moss vowed to become the best, and make sure everyone could be happy and safe in their clan, regardless of talent .

The sudden departure of his best friends mother was something he had known would take its toll, even if Blazekit played brave, Moss knew him too well by nw to fall for the act... His mother had reminded him at this point, that everycat deals with loss their own way, and to give Blazekit some time to process it and come around,rather than jump in and start telling him he was pretending.

Mosskit took her advice, happily allowing Blazekit to share his space without questioning or bringing up the topic. he watched Blazekit's ceremony with pride, yet sadness lingered behind his bright eyes, watching the cocky, prideful motions with the deeper knowlege of what was behind that sparky attitude. He himself accepted his mentor and name with humility, and with a concerned glance to his friend.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
Mosspaw stepped up quietly, pawsteps measured and calm, humble and timid as he met his mentor with a respectfully bowed head, touching noses with his acceptance. The start of his journey toward being a strong and dependable warrior had started, and Blazepaw was right there... just a couple of steps ahead.
Mosspaws appreticeship started off pretty smoothly, assigned to Sootscorch, and with a decent understanding f sign due to his friendship with Blazepaw, training was made easier by that fact, able to communicate with them. training was strenuous but fun, learning to fight and hunt alongside a cat who had similar issues to his best friend made things that bit more vital, following along and adjudting the way he did things so they better fit being around a Deaf cat.
Some time during his training he had heard the return of Chirppaw, and despite the suspicions many cats had toward the return of the apprentice, Mosspaw had happily welcomed the other back with open arms and a bright smile, always willing to give the benefit of the doubt to anyone.
He'd spent a lot of his time around Blazepaw, but the times he wasnt he started to make friends with Jasperpaw, Burnetpaw and her friends, Burnet offering him ways to get stronger so he could prove himself to be a great warrior: prove to himself and to a certain ginger tom that he was strong! he hung around with her a while, hoping that if he followed along in her antics , maybe somehow it would help, after all; starclan worked in weird and wonderful ways, right?
Time passed, a few new kits welcomed to the clan, and then he had been selected with a small pawful of apprentices to attend the full moon gathering, puffing out his chest with pride he walked alongside the other apprentices and their mentors, head held high and a spring in his step. . . and of course, in true " just his luck" the gathering turnd sour when a huge deer rampaged through the gathered cats, sending everyone scattering to the winds as Mosspaw clambered onto a rock for saftey, separating from Blazepaw in his haste to escape the thundering hooves.
He'd tried to stay up there, but as more cats ran, and as the deer whirled around ad charged he'd scampered off from it and started to wave through the paws of the other cats in search for Blazepaw, screaming out for the ginger tom in his desperate search. he was soon bowled over by a passing cat, he felt himself kicked about , trodden on by frantic paws as younger and older cats fled from the deers path, dazed as the panicked crowd thinned. the whole world had gne silent for just a moment when he turned his head to see the huge creature stomping toward him, and despite the need to move, to run, to do anything, he was frozen still to the ground, ears back, tail curled around himself as wide emerald green eyes stared up, petrified.
Hed not even had the chance to blink before he felt himself being grabbed and tossed like he was a lump of prey, yelping as he rolled and tumbled under the chaotic hoard of cats, landing heavy on his side with just barely enough time to see Blazepaw go down under the hoof of the creature.He screamed out. Scrambling back up with a wince and trying to weave through the sea of pelts, heart hammering in his chest as he backed up to wait for a path to clear so he could get to his best friend.
he shook himself back to reality as Blazepaw was kicked, the sound of it made the small murky tom almost feel sick, as he tried to push back through the cats trying to get everyone to saftey. it only took a few more steps before he was back at Blazepaws side, and mere moments until the larger tom was on his feet and grabbing him by the scruff like a scolded kit. tail tucked up, ears flattened back, as he begged and pleaded for the other to put him down. A Low whine escaped the tingling pain running through his back left paw as paws scrabbling and scraping along the ground in an attempt at helping Blaze carry him.
He'd probably never forget the ound of Blaze whimpering, as he shouted for Burnetpaws aid in the sea of pelts. she had to help, right?? she was a founder, one of starclans favored cats! It was when Blazepaw laid down and nudged him forard that he really realised the severity, planting all four paws on the ground as he was nudged. his back foot hurt, as he laid down and started licking over spiked headfur in an attempt to comfort the other tom, curling so that his own body would prtect Blazepaws head from any injury as they waited. at some point , Blaze had orced himself up, and once again scooped him into his jaws, soon aide by a couple of warriors, they slowly returned to camp.
Of course, even upon return there hadnt been a break for the clan, returning to the news of a dead kit and destroyed herb stores, listening drowsily from where he was pressed into Blazepaws fur within the herbalists den. He'd slept only because of the exhaustion, nightmares of teh fallen circling in his mind. more injured cats filtering in as he slid between awake and asleep. a vague recollection of Blackberrypaws odd indifference only joining the nightmares .
Mosspaw refused to leave his friends side, pressed in against ginger fur almost constantly as they laid recovering together in the herbalists den, listening to the clan as it moved on around them, as salmonstar stepped down and their new leader thicketstar taking over upon returning with thier nine lives... and to the monumentous task of finding new mentors for the apprentices whos mentors had been wounded or killed.
Mosspaw was released from the herbalist den alongside newly named Burnetpath, reluctant to leave Blaze but knowing that the space in the den was needed, he had trailed away to the apprentice den with his tail tucked between his legs, curling up in the mossy nest he had left behind way back before the deer and attack.
He'd cheered on happily, congratulating Barmblechirp on becoming the new Herbalist cat, though it had seemed a little odd that it hadnt been a cat his age... though, he supposed it didnt matter much, as long as there was someone there to make sure everyone was okay! he knew Jasperpaw had been a little dejected at the fact, the other had wanted so badly to be picked after all. he'd felt a little bad about it, but Jasper had seemed to bounce back pretty well. He'd checked in on blaze daily between training, bringing him fresh kill and laying in there for as long as the herbalists would allow him to, telling and signing to the ginger tom about how the clan was doig and what training he had done, or what new tricks he had observed to learn once blaze was out.
Mosspaw had been elated when Blazepaw had finally returned following the others all becoming warriors and moving out, leaving him behind with chirppaw, though not for long as hemlockpaw, Juniperpaw and Cypresspaw became apprentices and invated the quiet space that he had settled into. . . and within days Juniperpaw had gotten to the sensitive tom with their teasing, resuting in Mosspaw backing off with tears burning in his eyes, head down and tail between his legs. He didnt dislike many, but juniper had certainly made that list.
More kits were born to the clan as Mosspaw grew more and more in anticipation, their warrior ceremony would be coming up soon, and he could hardly wait. he stood proudly there as Midgefur, Appleberry and Jasperbat became warriors, exchanging a grin with Blazepaw; they were next.

warriorhood [ 12+ moons ] >
Finally steppig up to receive his name, it was something of a prideful moment, hearing his name spoken to him; Mosswater. at first, he'd been a little unsure, but.. he liked it. ater was as gentle as it was strong, a true force of nature and one that everyone knew to treat with caution, and yet something that was needed for survival. It hadnt been all that long after his new name was given that Blackberrysting had seeimngly o of nowhere left the clan, not that he knew her all that well, bt it had seemed to pt the clan on edge a little, so he knew it mst have been a shock to those whom had known her much better than he. with Burnetpaths disappearence, well... he'd not spent time with many others, preffering to just stick by Blazestones side like tree sap. It hadn't been a surprise to anyone when he and Blaze had announced their own mateship, Mosswater tucked happily in against Blazestones size with a soft grin over his features. It'd been quiet, way too quiet it seemed, was the lingering mood of the camp, other than a small incident with a kit getting stuck up a tree, not much had really been going on aside from the odd couple announcing their relationship... or... that was until one entirely random day, early morning when he had been fixing a nest for an elder cat, a group of strange cats invaded the camp without warning, later learning from older warriors that they were known as "The Empire", and along with them had been Blackberrysting. Traitor. He had fought against a cat that was taller, but slender, a tricky fight that had started off with them attepting to give him the cowards way out; retreat. Refusing indignantly, how dare someone assume he was some kind of turn-tail. it was just rude. HE'd held his own well, even the Empire cat had said it, but his small size and lacking muscle hadnt been enpugh to do real damage, and after a few reasonable strikes to the strange cat, he'd been flung a good few tail lengths across the floor. At some point in his breif disoriented daze, he caught the sound of Burnetpath's outraged yells, but didnt really have the time to process the return of the odd 'prophecy' cat. It had been then that Blazestone had come to help, much to Mosswaters releif (and a little to his embarrasment, admittedly..) and pretty soon the fight had ended abruptly with the wailing noise of a cat dying and their friends retreating away to avoid further deaths. It had been amid all the chaos of the retreat, Mosswater found ot, that kits had been stolen from the nursery. anger boiling as he was aided to the herbalist den by Blazestone, winded and sore. The one thing he had set out to protect the most, the kits, and he hadnt even managed that... HE'd get them back. he had to. those poor kits were probably terrified. laying quietly in the herbalist den for the third time in his life, he sighed softly through his nose, and let Bramblechrip take care of bruised ribs and bloodied side, gaining frequent visits from Blazestone between the larger cats training sessions.


Blazestone (Mate)) | Hailclan | Alive}

  • Greenleaf
  • Bright colours
  • Soft things (feathers etc)
  • Frogs(not for eating though)
  • Birdsong
  • Rats
  • Heights
  • Spiders
  • Those random little pokey twigs that somehow make it into the den?
  • Thunderstorms
  • Ice
  • 🟆 Moss has developed a habit of mumbling to himself while learning new techniques.
  • 🟆 He's developed a weird disliking for shrew
  • 🟆 Mosspaw has started to find himself feeling comforted by the weight of Blaze attempting to smother him.
  • 🟆 Trivia

profile html by Hukiolukio || Written Application vicstars on DA & ScorcherSoldier