Riku Sachiun



1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Riku Sachiun

Hero Name: Kitsune

Nicknames: Pumpkin(by Hawks exclusively, a joke with roots in the fact that the kanji for "kitsune" contains the kanji for "melon")

Sex/Gender: Female

Occupation: Hero

Birthday: December 28th

Height: 170cm(without ears), 178cm(with ears)

Quirk: "Fox" - She can basically do anything a fox can(stealthy, hearing low frequencies, enhanced hearing, higher jumps, night vision, sensitivity to magnetic fields, retractable claws)

Personality: As compared to Hawks’ natural charisma and charm, she’s much more quiet and introverted. Despite knowing how to talk when she has to, she’s actually kind of shy. She prefers listening as compared to talking, her personality reflecting the stealthier nature of her Quirk. Even so, she truly believes in the work they’re doing as heroes, and wants to help make Hawks’ dream of a world where heroes have too much time on their hands a reality. It takes a little while for her to come to trust people, but once she does, she’s more expressive around them and cherishes their presence dearly. Once she’s overcome her initial barrier of shyness, she can be quite fun to be around.

Story: wip but she was trained in the same place as Hawks was(aka the Public Safety Commission), so they knew each other for years. They were close by the time they debuted as heroes, and commonly work together as heroes despite having separate agencies. Kitsune is more of a stealth hero than Hawks, but still performs public hero work. Because, no matter what the public might see, her main work is any job the Commission deems necessary. After all, her Quirk only solidifies her place closer to the darkness... or so those around her say, oblivious to how stubbornly she clings to Hawks' light.

Partner(romantically): Hawks/Keigo Takami


-She loves it when Hawks flies her through the sky(he just holds her while he flies since she can't fly)

-She loves being hugged/cuddled/kissed/etc. by Hawks since she didn't really get any of that when she was growing up. She would never admit to this out loud, but both of them know it's true

-She's more of a stealth hero who handles more under the radar missions for the Public Safety Commission, but still does patrols and other public hero work

-She uses a support item to get mechanical "claws" on her hands when she's in combat that she can load some of the things in the vials into(like anesthetic or disinfectant)

Design notes:

-Her hair goes about to her waist

-The vials on the holders on her legs have various helpful things inside them such as disinfectant, magnets, anesthetic, etc.

-Her hair and tail are not the same color

-Some of the blues in her hero outfit slighter differ from one another and this is intentional, NOT shading