


6 years, 2 months ago


Fine, I didn't even like you anyway...

Name: Gorsewatcher Nickname(s): N/A Future name(s): -- Former name(s): Gorsekit, Gorsepaw Age: 58 Moons Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual Clan: MeadowClan Rank: Warrior Mentor: Wasptail Apprentice(s): --
Fur color and pattern: White with Ginger patches
Fur length: Short and thin
Body shape: Small and Lanky
Eye color: Cold blue/grey
Scars: Face and Shoulder
Other important details: Ugly inside and Out :)

Gorsewatcher is a very small, lanky tom. His fur is white, with ginger patches. It is dull and short. He has a Long face with almond-shaped Blue/grey eyes. He has a low voice and a fishy scent. Gorsewatcher has long whiskers. He is considered unattractive by most, especially in his own Clan.


He is extroverted. In conversations, he is unfriendly. He is guided by his heart, often emotional and rash. His world view is mostly Pessamistic. He is serious, disciplined, competitive, irrational and conceited. Gorsewatcher is slow to think, which reflects in his decisions, skills and conversations. He enjoys the rain, despite most others hating it. Gorsewatcher keeps quiet about his opinions because they go against the Clan norm. He hates the idea of having a mate or kits.

Likes - Rain
- Swimming o_o
- Worms
Dislikes - Hates watching Sunrises and Sunsets
- Fire and Thunder
- Hot days


Fadingivy [ Fahter ]

As much as Gorse remembers about his father, he remembers that he was close with hi and that he was a lenient parent. But he lost his father in the fire of MeadowClan rather early in his life.

Sparrowstem [ Mother ]

His mother was a kind and compassionate molly. Although after the loss of his father, Gorse began to try and distance himself from his mother. Not wanting to be close to her just to lose her too.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


Molenettle [ Crush ]

Gorsewatcher became close with Molenettle when she was a kit, and he was and apprentice, when he wanted to move to be more that friends, she rejected him, telling him that she already had a mate. He never spoke to her again after that. And not long after, her body was found outside of camp.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


Wasptail [ Mentor ]

Gorse has mixed feelings about his mentor. He pushed him to be the best he could and he's thankful for that. But he wishes that Wasptail paid attention to his needs to learn more, so he could of been a warrior faster. But he is thankful that Wasptail spent much of his time teaching gorse fighting moves.


Gorsekit was born to his father, Fadingivy and his mother, Sparrowstem. Fadingivy was lenient, while Sparrowstem was kind. Gorsekit was close to both of his parents. A fire ignited in the forest close to the camp and the Clan was quickly forced to evaculate. Gorsekit managed to get out as one of the first, but his father, Fadingivy ran back into the flames to rescue another kit and didn't return. Gorsekit mourned for his father, however after a moon or so he recovered. Gorsepaw became close friends with Molekit They became friends and vented a lot to each other. During his kithood, Gorsekit's favourite activity was practicing his fighting moves.

Gorsekit reached the age of an apprentice and became Gorsepaw. He recieved Wasptail as his mentor. She was strict and unfortunately sometimes pushed too hard. Wasptail mostly focused on fighting while somewhat neglecting tracking. Gorsepaw and Slowpaw supported each other throughout their apprenticeship and remained very close friends.

Gorsepaw became Gorsewatcher at 15 moons. He always had a close relationship with Molenettle, but in the moons after he became a warrior the feelings turned from friendship to love. Unfortunately, Molenettle had already started a relationship with another tom. Gorsewatcher admitted his feelings to her, whom rejected him. Unsurprisingly, he ceesed all contact with her and soon after that her body was found outside of camp. He got into a fight with another warrior from his Clan, which caused a bit of drama. After a battle, he refused to go to the medicine cat after being injured, which proved to be a terrible decision.


  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
Associated songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTDAv_VZdWs
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