Average Brown Dog



1 year, 4 months ago


WIP but listing him so I don't forget.

Average Brown Dog isn't his name so much what he is called by those who see him. 

uhhh just gonna copy/paste what i rambled in a server...

  • His name is Average Brown Dog and he both exists and doesnt exist.  Dogs w/ hair are descended from humans and dogs w/out hair are descended from canines. Average is descended from neither yet he sometimes has hair sometimes does not (he glitches). He’s able to be flip through dimensions or time, unintentionally usually. He doesnt know what’s wrong with him. He also looks as his “name” states: very average . an average brown dog.
  • Average is able to travel back in time/to another dimension by dreaming (unintentionally). He's able to see the human time in both the POV of random humans or dogs. 

relationships: he knows the Try Brothers, who took a bit to finally believe him -- they're really the only ones who believe his strange occurance.