- Ellowyn 🪻-



1 year, 4 months ago


Name: Ellowyn

Species: Griffin 

(tattoo artist)

Ellowyn was the only female tattoo artist in her small town, and she was proud of it. She had been in the business for years, and her skills had brought her a loyal following. But there was one thing that set her apart from all the other tattoo artists in town; Ellowyn was a Griffin Beastman.

At first, Ellowyn’s customers had been wary of her, but as time went on they had begun to appreciate her talents. Her clients were always delighted to discover that Ellowyn was a Griffin Beastman, and many of them would request for her to incorporate her unique traits into their tattoos. Ellowyn was more than happy to oblige; she had a special fondness for the mythical creatures, and she loved to bring them to life through her art.

As time went on, Ellowyn’s reputation grew. She had become the go-to source for tattoos that truly captured the spirit of the Griffin Beastman. People from all over the region began to seek out her services, and Ellowyn’s business flourished.

Today, Ellowyn is still the only female tattoo artist in town. She has come to be known as the “Goddess of creation ”, and her work is admired and sought after far and wide. Ellowyn is proud to have made her mark on the world, and she continues to delight her clients with her unique and beautiful tattoos.