Azzie Allicon



1 year, 4 months ago


name ⇢ Azzie Allicon
age ⇢ 35
birthday ⇢ 15th of August, 6532
orientation ⇢ Pansexual/Panromantic
gender ⇢ Xenogender
pronouns ⇢ all/any
species ⇢ Cherry Cat
height ⇢ 5'11" / 180cm
- Personal Farm
- Heaven's Guard
colour association ⇢ Ivory
mana/magic type
Botanokinesis / Manipulate and generate Plant Life (Complete Mastery)
- User can create, shape and manipulate plants and plant material, such as wood, vines, bushes, trees, moss, and parts of plants such as seeds, leaves, fruits and flowers.
- User can speed up the growth of plants with very little effort or strength.
- User can create a large variety of different flora.
- User can cause all different types of flora to move around to their whim. (eg, tree branches moving like whips, vines wrapping around like ropes)
- When used at forcibly maximum power, plants will begin to sprout from the users skin and orifices.
- User can drain the life energy from plant life and/or give it back.
- Can change the make-up of plants and herbs to cause different or even unnatural effects when consumed.
- Can sense movement within nearby plant life.

Divinekinesis / Manipulate Aether (Advance-Tier Mastery)
- User can generate and manipulate Aether energy by casting it from the realm of the dead, specifically Heaven.
- Aether can take many forms when mixed with mortal substances. Most common ones being Flesh with Earth, Divine Light with Fire, Holy Water with Water and Smoke with Air.
- User can summon said element to alter their own form painlessly. Mostly used to give one abilities they would not regularly have with their natural form. (eg. wings, halo, eyes.)
- User can fire divine beams of light, cast freezing winds, light cleansing flames, and revive nature surrounding them by filling them with life and soul.
- User can summon blessed weapons cast from pure gold.
- User can survive intense cold.
- User gains a great amount of stamina.
- Knowledge forbidden to mortals.
life goal
playlist ⇢ n/a

⇢ info