Lilith Noctis



6 years, 5 months ago


Blood color: Plum (Seadweller)

Sex: Female

Pronouns: They/She

Sexuality: Homosexual

God Tier: Thief of Void

Denizen: Nyx

Medium: (LOMAC) Land of Midnight and Conundrums

•Description: A hedge maze that's stuck in eternal night. Doors are to be opened from answering riddles. Rubik's cubes and similar puzzles litter the sky.

•Quest: Make it to the end of the maze without cheating. If cheating occurs, the maze will reset and put you at the beginning.

Sprite: Serpentsprite

♥: [Akaria Claque|]




Personality: Perceived as innocent and pure, but don't let the way she acts fool you. She's hiding a dark secret behind her soft expression. Do to being so high on the hemospectrum, she's very prone to aggression, especially with being a female troll.

Lilith is a mysterious troll, no one is completely sure of what she does or why she does things. She can also be somewhat frozen hearted. Though, don't let this let you think she doesn't care about those closest to her. In fact, she can care too much at times and seem to be a control freak over her quadrants and friends.

Even though she's rude, Lilith in actuality is a very skiddish woman. This is due to a past abusive relationship and a few other things. Because of this relationship, she thinks that everyone will hate her for small, insignificant mistakes. This is why she tends to apologize so much.

She is very territorial, especially over her matesprit and doesn't like sharing. Definitely one to be quick to jealousy over little things.

Also has a very protective personality. This is mainly over her mate Akaria, whom she is also very possessive over. This is only do to abandonment issues from her friends and lusus.

She loves spicy and sweet foods, like ghost chili peppers and cookies. Though she isn't very picky over food, because she likes just about everything.

Her main hobby is drawing, though she does other mediums of art. She also likes to play video games, like troll Pokemon, not that copycat fiduspawn.

She hates yellowbloods due to her past abusive relationship.


First - Same as her symbol, Lilith is the dark moon.

Last - Latin word for night.