Frosty Klepsky



1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Wendy "Frosty" Goengeztuff Klepsky


Wendy's frosty, "When the going gets tough"


Non-binary girl






15 years old






Sparklecare (non-canon)


Owned by sakuramori, created for Cometcare AU


"Since positive feelings are easier to feel and express, I like trying to keep up the mood for others, too! Especially when I have people like Cream relying on me. Long story short, it just feels good to feel good."

- Frosty, Intro


 Name Wendy "Frosty" Goengetztuff Klepsky
 Allotpun Wendy's frosty, when the going gets tough
 Gender Non-binary girl
 Pronouns he/she/they
 Age 15 years old
 Sexuality Lesbian
 Parents Uni & Polly
  • Cooking
  • Baking sweets
  • Disa Point
  • Sewing and knitting
  • Messing with others
  • Cold weather
  • Ferries
  • Forgetting things
  • Losing track of stuff
  • Waking up too early
  • Very hot weather
  • Sweating/condensating
  • When Cream is rude
  • Not having magic


Frosty Klepsky is the fifth eldest Cometkid in between Eve and Cream. Frosty inherited The Uncommon Cold from their parent, Polly - and this impacts his life quite a lot, but he doesn't let it crush his spirits. She loves to bake and cook, especially sweet things like desserts - but also just helping with dinner in general. Cooking is a huge passion of theirs and has been since they were pretty young. He also really love nature and plantlife and being in nature, as plants are one of his special interests.

Frosty really struggles with feeling emotions naturally due to his illness - TUC causes emotional numbness as it's sort of "freezing your heart" and making it hard to feel. Despite struggling to feel things, she tries her best to be positive and happy anyways by choice. Frosty also struggles with bad memory problems and joint/muscle stiffness due to the freezing - and also, Frosty can't naturally fly without wearing a heating vest under his clothes due to his wings being icy.

Frosty gets along well with her parents and siblings for the most part, but often has to do damage control whenever Cream is rude to others unintentionally. He's always having to apologize for her when she's like that. Cream and Frosty are really close and are like twins almost, and it's hard to pull them apart or ever see them not together. The two of them also often gossip about all the drama in the family, and sometimes when they're together they won't even acknowledge anyone else, too absorbed in their own world


Brain freeze

Frosty struggles with not only poor memory because of TUC, but brain damage induced by the freezing of his brain that caused her to develop schizophrenia. This leads to a lot of apathy and a struggle to relate to others or feel emotions strongly, paranoia, and delusions.


Frosty can be super silly and likes teasing others, but not in a mean way like Eve or Norma - usually it's more playful and positive. She will often make puns and try to make fun out of most situations, especially ones that aren't so awesome.


Frosty loves talking about the stuff that makes her happy, especially when it's related to plants. She will talk for ages and give fun facts about things because she loves to share it with others. She also loves hearing others do the same!


Developing TUC

Frosty used to love to fly as a child. In 6042, the Comets were about to head to the Disa Point nature reserve on a vacation, which was one of Frosty's favorite places to go- when suddenly he fell ill. It started similar to fever symptoms, but soon it was apparent that Frosty was experiencing TUC symptoms. They took Frosty to their family doctor to have him examined and she got diagnosed. The family didn't know how to explain the situation to the kids or Frosty herself, but tried their best. They went on their trip anyways, but at the park, Frosty attempted to fly but their wings got frozen up mid-flight and they almost fell and narrowly survived serious injury (but Ally saved and caught her). Frosty was told she would never be able to fly again, which would normally have been devastating, but Frosty couldn't feel sad about it at all. He never felt normal emotions again- most things Frosty feels are a conscious choice as opposed to natural.


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