


1 year, 2 months ago


the dispatcher
naima les
transmasc agender
gay bisexual
5'7" / 170cm
dec 31
You’d lick your wounds if you could reach that far. You crouch over to ask. “Tell me more about the job.”- Chapter 5 of Frontiersmen

With the shifting power structures of Mann Co.'s divestitures and outside competitors, the Administrator looks to acquiring Naima Les of Bylaws & Communications, a jack of all trades and more. He has dipped his hand into everything, so being the RED team's new dispatcher shouldn't be a problem! Right..?


Dispatcher has a round face with a low, medium sized nose and equally low lips pushed from the philtrum. They have a hard jaw that stops under their mouth and light fuzz. The most recognizable feature is his dark eye bags under his green eyes. Flatter eyebrows are high above his droopy eyes. His skin complexion is taupe, and noticeably cool-toned.

She wears thin glasses half the time. Most of her hair is a rosy silver, though there is still a bit of dark brown near their parting - they got a lot of flack for greying early in school. Her 70s shag cut is feathered at the back, and just reaches their shoulders. Well aware of fashion magazines that circulate around her cubicle, she barely dresses the part with fundamental business clothing but never goes 100% - no makeup past an eyeliner and her ties are wrinkled, if not undone. On rare instance, he wears a plum lip shade.


Dispatcher is arrogant to a fault, where he's aware of his strengths and assumes everything to be a piece of cake on the bureaucratic playground that she knows to be her life. They cannot imagine life outside of work, and don't raise a finger to change it. If the path most taken is through hell, then they'll just hope they brought enough ice-cold root beer to last the journey; anything is better than stepping out of their comfort zone. Complacent in almost all aspects, though they don't hold back internally. They didn't get to this type of job by being disagreeable.

As she centers her identity around her work, Dispatcher can get uncomfortable when stepping too close to being personal. They don't even recognize the barriers they put up, but on occasion, the lack of empathy is genuine. If he has no say in the matter, even being treated like a petri dish to be examined, he will go through with whatever and make decisions quick. A sharp brain, but doesn't exactly want to die. Dispatcher thinks of herself to be normal.


Dispatcher had moved around constantly when they were younger. They met neighbours and learnt stories of all kinds around the globe but the thing that stayed the same was how much they had to do to provide for their family. That really started their incline for working; the only connection that remained was in title only. You and I, we both work to keep this house for now.

A featureless house in a trailer park, somewhere in the Chihuahuan desert, was her last home. She still can't tell if the night with her father in the backyard was a dream. The feeling of cold metal suddenly turning hot after firing was real, after all. It left a burn on her hand. It was about time she left the nest.



Mikky Ekko ‐ Who Are You, Really?