


1 year, 4 months ago


Nickname(s) ; Dizzie, Lego girl

Species/Race ; Plastic lego humanoid with little gooey creatures inside??

Pronouns ; She/Her

Sexuality ; Aroo ace

Gender ; Female

Height ; Unspecified

Status ; Alive 

Age ; no canon age but she's not a minor

Bday ; January 15 

Likes ; Rocks, Pink, Lolcats, Rave

Hates ; Idk mean people i guess

Personality ; Cheery and curious she likes having fun but she gets defensive, barely has her guard up whenever she's alone

Facts ; She has two alive inanimate objects that happen to be by her side

One named Gadzook and the other Robert

Gadzook is supposed to be Dizzies goggles, it was found in the asylum. It can help Dizzie when seeing in the dark(It acts like night goggles)

Robert is an inanimate guitar that can also turn into an axe (Basically a weapon for Dizzie)

Touch ; Okay with it

Flirting ; What!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Special trait ; she has tiny black gooey textured creatures that help attach her limbs and also create prosthetics whenever she loses a part of her and sometimes can help with fighting by shape shifting into brass knuckles or just tiny spikes(it can not turn into big weapons)

Power ; She's kind of fast and she can't feel pain but she can lose limbs and thats a really big disadvantage for her

Based on ; Legos and Figures!!

ik this is long sorry fhdgsh i just copied this from somewhere else