


1 year, 4 months ago



»»-----------LEGENDS OF KROZATHIS-----------►


FULL NAME: Asmodius Xanthos
AGE: Immortal
SPECIES: Demon Wolf
OCCUPATION: King of the Underworld



Currently N/A



LILITH - [ Significant Other ]

Currently N/A

BLACKFUR - [ Son ]

Currently N/A

AZAZIEL - [ Son ]

Currently N/A

ALASTER - [ Son ]

Currently N/A

SILA - [ Daughter ]

Currently N/A



In the beginnings of hell there was complete and utter chaos, until Asmodius fought his way to power, he was an incredibly intelligent demon who began to implement rules and forge a society in the underworld after creating his throne and sealing his right to rule. He was the one to forge an alliance with the reapers even if they hated each other, he also had a small alliance going with the angels when a hybrid had been born and he purposed they let it live to see what happens, he ultimately also was the one who banned hybrids from existing when the first one got out of hand. He was the one to give hell and demons a purpose, basically the underworld is what it is today because of all of Asmodius' hard work, it was no easy task either, left and right he was challenged for his throne. In order to protect his crown and enforce his ideals he would constantly have to fight with other demons, eventually all this fighting paid off in different ways, he was unbeatable and grew stronger and stronger with each victory until no one dared challenge him.

Eventually Asmodius falls in love with Lilith, a mortal wolf in the realm of the living. They have 4 children, two of which are born full blooded demons, and two mortal as their mother. Alaster was born first, then Sila, Azaziel, and finally Blackfur. Blackfur was the runt, thus not given a proper demon name as his father saw him unfit and weak, saw no real future for him, so refused to give him a real name. Alaster and Blackfur were the two demons born. After their birth Asmodius kidnapped Alaster and Blackfur, leaving Lilith, Azaziel, and Sila behind, however granted them all immortality as a farewell. He thought Alaster would be the one to take his place as king of demons, and because Black was the runt he was extra hard on him.

The kids grew, Alaster and Blackfur now despising their father and becoming adamantly rebellious against him and everything he worked at with them. Alaster came to wish for nothing more than to be rid of his Demonic roots and become a normal wolf, Black however had no problem with it despite his quarrel with his father. To spite his rebellion, his father cast a wicked spell on Blackfur, He merged 18 lesser demons into his son, the most painful thing Blackfur ever had to endure in his life, his markings all faded and the demons remained as black stripes on his body.

Though this was to spite his son, it was to benefit him as well, as these demons were now soul bound to the wolf, and bent to his will. Black quickly outgrew all of his siblings and became even more powerful than Alaster, thus changing Asmodius’ vision about him, which made black lash out even more. He was sent to murder a now well known reaper, Frey, as a way to prove himself worthy of taking his fathers throne, however during the time he was to be spent killing this young reaper, he had fallen in love with her. Black brings her back with him to get her out of danger of the reapers, and steps up to his father, very obviously not going well. Asmodius threatens to kill black, but gives him one more chance at redemption and gives him another very special task after a couple days of thinking about it. Asmodius asks his son to kill his first born, Alaster, to prove himself to be the king of the underworld. Black, repulsed by this decision his father came upon, attacks out of pure rage. A long and very painful battle is fought, but Black overcame his father and murdered him. This was his trial, which now made him the Ruler of the Underworld.



Asmodius and Lilith fall in love, have their children, he eventually tells her he was only looking for an heir to his throne at first, she is heartbroken by that even though he tries to reassure her he has truly fallen for her and loves her deeply. It doesn't work so she tells him to leave, but he basically kidnaps the two demon children they had because he believed she wouldn't be able to handle raising them up by herself, so she resents him, and even more so years later when the two boys are teens and sneak off to see her and let her know everything that's been happening. Asmodius finds out where she is after he followed one of the boys one day and tries talking to her but she wanted nothing to do with him, but he continues to try and explain everything and why he did it, and she comes around after a very hard battle of him trying to convince her, because she still had love for him, and eventually he convinces her to turn demon to be with him and come to hell as his queen, where later on he would be murdered by Blackfur.


code by hanyu