Je'Kaal (175 USD)



1 year, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)

Basic Info


175 USD


A metallic screech echoes across the alleys this creature dwells in, emanating from it striking its claws upon concrete and stone. A rather utilitarian beast, its regal appearance is unfitting of its rather terse attitude as it prowls smoky cities for gambling parlors and mansions to consume the gold of fools to further grow its claws and the crests found upon its head, neck, and backside. Some rumor its very being stems from the accumulated greed of many pooling into the formation of a being such as it, others claim that it understands that the greedy and powerful are the least likely to be harmed by its strikes- a 'robin hood' of sorts. The beast itself refuses to elaborate, and probably never will. Arguably, it isn't directly unfriendly or aggressive, but it isn't quite amicable to the public, either. For those outside the parlors, or just those who lack large amounts of gold to feast upon, it tends to avoid them to go saunter off by itself. Perhaps it is a lonely creature, or perhaps, it just doesn't care. But when it flares its hood and stark magenta and teal flood the sky, everyone knows it means buisiness.