[F2U] Hay is for Horses



1 year, 3 months ago


Basic info

Free to Use
Mobile friendly

Custom Colours
Grab the code!

More info + TOS

My first Coders' Quarters entry, for the February challenge! I feel like I could have done a bit more with this, but I'm still learning a ton of things so I'll take my little wins: like learning how the heck to make a row with two boxes in it above another box. Credit to Togo for the layout!

And if you're wondering about the code name... well, the layout I used is called Stable, and that made my brain go to horse stables, which naturally led to horses. This layout has nothing to do with them, though.

  • You may edit this code!
  • You may frankenedit this code with others, as long as the other coder(s) allow it.
  • Do not move or remove the credit.
  • Remember to turn WYSIWYG OFF before using this code! It will break otherwise :(
  • If you use this code, it would be nice if you favourited and/or commented with the character you used it on! No pressure though ^^;
  • Preview characters are Midnight Nightsky and Hyde (Jekyll got hidden for the sake of the image looking nicer in the frame)


  • Changed code credit link to link to my alternate account. Text is unchanged.
  • Added margins between some boxes! This should improve profile clarity on mobile.

Character name


Name: [character name]
Age: [character age]
Gender: [character gender]
Pronouns: [character pronouns]
Orientation: [character romantic and/or sexual orientation]

Code made by StarmanSymphony!
All of your main info goes here! Add headers! Add subheaders! Go wild! This box is pretty big, and it'll scroll too!

Here comes a lorem ipsum dump, just to demonstrate!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


This is a triva/playlist box! But you can make it something else if you'd like! This box should scroll too!









"A quote here. This box will not expand, so keep it short!"