Tanner - Peridot 5XD



1 year, 4 months ago




Witty ◆ carefree ◆ loyal ◆ Irresponsible
Cut-5XD Facet 195CT



Transmasc Pansexual

~200 years old


4'4 (5'7 w/enhancers)

Scrap Sorter

Peridot 5XD, commonly known as "Tanner" by friends and acquaintances, is a defective scrap-sorter for a multi-purpose facility known as Station 5 (Belonging to @lemondrop0o on instagram). His defects include a smaller form, as well as a change in behaviour compared to a normal peridot: instead of being calculative and on-task, he is reckless and a bit of an airhead. It's also believed he was created without some pior knowledge on homeworld. To other some peridots AND superiors, he is simply another defect.

Despite being a bit of a ditzy daredevil, Tanner is a very loyal and loving friend: All it takes is an open mind, a tolerance of surfer-dude lingo and being called funny nicknames to become his ride or die.

 Heh— rad. 

  • Building enhancers
  • Robots
  • Aquatic organic creatures
  • Sea shells
  • (Some)Demantoids
  • The dark
  • Being stuck inside
  • Weaponry


Tanner formed in late-era 4, in a small kindergarten for all types of technicians. He had been created for lab/robotics work, but was one of many outliers due to his defects. At creation, he was always acted unusually compared to his veinmates: what was supposed to be a prim-and-proper peridot was coded naively loud, happy-go-lucky and almost ridiculously unaware. This got him in a rough spot with the demantoid who was overseeing his vein. In his own words, "nothing terrible happened": Just getting restrained and threatened if he did not behave, he didn't even realize were threats until he was older. Despite how severe it seemed, the situation only left a sour taste in Tanners' mouth years afterwards.

Early Life

During his years before Station 5, Tanner began to hold a better grasp of homeworld and its empire. It almost felt like he was viewing from the lense of a desprate outsider: He still didn't understand the world around him, but he was eager to please like the rest, to show that he could be of help despite blaring problems in his code that he didn't even realize were problems. It's what he's observed from the others workers: a desire to impress that wormed itself right into the peridot's head. regardless of his suprisingly exceptional work on robotics, it slowly became clear that his defects and how they presented would never let him be taken seriously by those above him. It was a bitter time for him: never really acknowledged, never really understood until he got a better grasp of his ranking and the system. The slow wander into reality made Tanner stray away from his duties, and he started to become more carefree: no point in desperate grabs for attention if it would never come. Suprisingly, his newfound relaxed and entertaining personality got him quite the amount of attention- good and bad, to the point of being transferred to a new station filled with lower-ranks much like him. Despite the change, Tanner is MUCH happier in his newer enviroment.

Current Day

Currently, Tanner is an active worker in Station 5, working as a scrap sorter and oftentimes slacking off for his own enjoyment. Whenever he can, he also enjoys getting out and travelling elsewhere; resulting in a few meetups with particularly unusual rebels. He still indulges in robotics work and such, but he hasn't found an outlet where his skills can be truly useful instead of being for his own entertainment. Maybe a certain friend can help out with that.

Trivia/fun facts
  • Tanners' surfer-dude lingo is a cemented part of his speech.
  • Regarding his appearance, Tanners uniform under his enhancers resembles a wetsuit, commonly worn by surfers.
  • His voice claim is Marshall Lee from Adventure Time!
  • Tanners' birthday would technically be October 10.
  • His loose hair is believed to be a coding error, as most peridots are created with hair that resemble various shapes.
  • Tanners favourite Pokemon are Buizel and Mantine!
  • Tanner comes from an rp game called Gem Galaxies on Roblox, go check it out!



Scott ------ Lover

Scott and Tanner met in Station 5, where they both work at. Tanner values Scott and his time with the other, and they will sometimes abandon duties for brief moments together.


Bruiser ----- Friend?

Bruiser teeters on the line of possible-rebel and awesome friend for Tanner. They met in a scrapyard and clicked despite their differences.


Teddy ------ Friend

Teddy and Tanner have an almost father-son bond, with the two meeting whenever Tanner needs an ear or simply someone to ramble about robotics with.