


1 year, 7 months ago


💤/💤s/💤self, ⭐/⭐s/⭐self. do not misgender 💤 or i will actually jeff the fucking get you

an imaginary friend come to life, naptime helps 💤s friends through their nightmares and generally keeps them cozy throughout the night. sleeps through most of the day, wakes up around sunrise and sundown, sleeps through most of the night

though its often rare to see naptime awake without waking ⭐ up yourself, 💤 is known to be incredibly kind, patient and supportive. always seems to have helpful advice for ⭐s friends and is often the voice of reason. 💤 is ridiculously laid back (partially because ⭐ is perpetually half awake at all times) but can be fiercely protective (almost to a fault) if one of 💤s friends is in danger.

- long, pillow-like body for optimal comfort

- ⭐'s coat is not a coat but rather a large quilt, and the lighter purple sections can be removed from it to be used as a blanket

- the thing on 💤's forehead is actually a nightlight that can project stars and stuff onto the ceiling and walls

- big scary claws for fighting off nightmares and monsters under the bed