


6 years, 26 days ago



Name Zoinks
Age 15
Pronouns He/Him
Race Cloverpup
Acquired October 2019
Value $400


Zoinks is a big scaredy-cat, prone to jumping at the slightest sound and hiding at the first sign of danger. Despite his fears, Zoinks finds himself in the most peculiar and extraordinary situations, often against his own will. From a young age, Zoinks has always had a knack for stumbling upon mysteries and strange occurrences, much to his dismay. Whether it's was being abducted by aliens, haunted by ghosts, or stolen by pirates, Zoinks seems to attract trouble wherever he goes. His timid nature makes him an easy target for all manner of misadventures, much to the frustration of his more courageous companions.

Despite his fears, Zoinks possesses an unintentional talent for unraveling mysteries and solving puzzles. Though he would often find himself cowering in fear during the most perilous moments, his keen observational skills and sharp intellect inevitably lead him to uncover the truth behind the strange occurrences that seem to follow him wherever he goes.

While Zoinks prefers to stay safely hidden away from danger, fate has always had other plans for him. Whether he liked it or not, Zoinks found himself thrust into the heart of thrilling adventures and dangerous escapades, where his unlikely bravery and quick thinking would prove invaluable in overcoming the challenges that lay ahead.

Species Info HERE

"Ev-ev-every shadow f-f-feels like a mystery w-w-waiting to p-p-pounce... and I'm just a scaredy p-pup lost in the d-d-dark."

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