Electric Rodent TM's Comments

I'd like to offer anyone from here, for those that are very low in value (less than $10) I'd allow trades for as many as wanted.. c:

I'm sorry, I didn't really see anyone I'd trade for : (

Thank you for looking! C:

Oh wow! Your designing skills are so cool!! This looks so pretty!

In terms of offer. What are the things allowed to offer. Like art, custom designs, money, etc.

Wanting to ask as I would love to offer on this little guy

Aww thank you!!! Yeah basically I'll look at anything, while money is always a priority I don't really mind so much for this design haha

Hhmm okay imma start my offer with 

Custom design, or 2 full bodies artwork(cleaned up sketch with color and shading if you want shading) or both you wish for both for the artwork part of the offer

And $20 for the money part. 

(I've been really in the drawing mood so that's why I'm also offering art ^^)

Oo, I think ill take this!! The 2 full-bodies sounds great! And the 20 could super help me out atm gkdjgj 

https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/icarusis if you want to send the 20 there I will transfer them and note you details as soon as I'm on my computer!!!

Alrighty I'll be able to send it after work! Which is in about 4 hours

Payment sent!

TYSM!! sending them to you now, ill dm you about art in just a little bit!

1 Replies

Kisses him