
1 year, 4 months ago



Gender Unknown

Pronouns It / They / She

Age Unknown

Birthday October 31

Sexuality N/A

Occupation N/A

Species Monster

Eden is unsure how to socialize with humans but craves positive reactions and affection. When it finds someone that it's interested in, it tends to stalk said person by following and watching them from afar. They normally start to try and interact more when they start to understand and warm up to the person, though if they react negatively towards Eden, it may leave if your lucky, or react in violent manners if your not. If Eden is shown the affection and positive attention it craves, it becomes very protective of that person, willing to go to the ends of the Earth or more if it means making that person happy or safe.


Height Changes Depending on Form but Usually Around 9 ft.

Weight Unknown

Eyes Pale Blue Voids

Skin Tone Dark Blues

Hair Color Black

Aesthetic Horror

Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Design Notes

  • The closer a limb is to you the darker the color gets, the farther it gets the lighter the limb will be, like a reverse shadow.
  • Eden also always has white tears that are streaming down its face.
  • Eden can shapeshift into different forms but the one shown here is it's original look and is seen most often as such.


Eden, a monster a lot of people don't know much about, is still one that cryptozoologists are still trying to figure out. It is unknown how old it may be and if it has a biological gender, but it seems to respond positively when addressed by "it" or "they". The creature is seen to understand human language but doesn't seem to speak it as well, though when asked what it's name is, it responded with the word Eden and has been called such since. Eden was discovered on the 31 of October, Halloween, by a group of older teens who happened to encounter it. It was reported that Eden had become violent when the teens had showed fear of it and started to panic, which involved a lot of hurtful comments being thrown at the creature. It was assumed after that (and more discovery) that Eden does not respond well to negative reactions or comments toward itself. It is advised to anyone who comes across it to simply walk away and report it to authorities, do not try to harass or harm Eden or it WILL use violence that can be lethal. It has also been discovered that Eden can take the shape of different creatures as well, as long as they are humanoid in shape, Eden so far has never been seen shifting into anything that is fully animal like. While Eden is a violent monster, it is still considered to be passive unless made otherwise by it's triggers, it will not harm you if it has no reason to. Eden is still being researched and studied and the information written here may be bound to change if future discoveries are made.


  • Sweets
  • Affection
  • Hand Holding and Head Pats


  • Abandonment
  • Being Watched or Judged
  • Being in Pain(emotional, physical, or mental)


Eden can seem a bit shy and timid at times. Eden is also quite awkward and unable to pick up social cues like most people. They are also rather curious but that can get it into trouble which Eden normally avoids but will use violence if they deem it necessary. While they don't have morals similar to a human and act on their own beliefs, it tends to be categorized as a much nicer monster, despite their occasional violent tendencies. When they are in pain in any way (mental, emotional, or physical) it is best to avoid them as it tends to be more violent and easily aggravated then it would normally be. Despite all that they crave affection and positive attention and are willing to do anything for it. If a person gives them that, they would be willing to go to the ends of the Earth to keep them happy and safe in return.


  • Eden has the ability to make it's presence invisible, causing others to think they can either be invisible or disappear.
  • Eden's fingers can harden and become claw-like, making them rather lethal if they choose to use them.
  • Eden also has the ability to shapeshift into other creatures, from what is known, it seems limited to anything thats at least half or mostly humanoid in shape.

Hated by Life Itself -  Oktavia