


1 year, 4 months ago


A well known courtier of the Cardinal Sin of Greed who often speaks in riddles. She enjoys maintaining a relatively young appearance in contrast to her true age, and claims it to be the result of her youthful soul. Very skilled at determining an individual's true character, and what a person values most at heart.

The nails in her hair are related to her abilities. They're all held in place by her hair (Which can unfurl into a lot more arms) and can be wielded as weapons that just so happen to be very portable. Though the secret is that it isn't actually their main function; anything she stabs a nail into can be turned into an extension of herself (Which is why her hair, which is not normally animate, can sprout so many arms).
Babarosa's actual arms are wrapped in those clawed sleeves, which are her wings, and they tend to be tied up due to the fact that they're rather unwieldy and more useful for combat rather than...arms. She can still move the claws when tied up, and can freely untie them whenever (It's kind of like a weird way of crossing her arms)! It's more of a gesture to symbolize that she won't be up to any funny business today. Her hands are after all, tied.

Let your heart be still in her presence, lest she drive a stake right through it.