Ikuto Suzuki



1 year, 4 months ago


i hear a symphony
- the sandman -

"May your tormented soul rest peacefully, shadow."

name: Ikuto Suzuki
codename: Sandman
age: 17-18 years
gender: male (he/him)
height: 5'4" (162.6 cm)
orientation: panromantic
persona: Nocturne

An upper-middle class homeschooler by day, and a Phantom Thief by night. Ikuto awakened to his persona over the summer after requesting a change of heart in someone, and has been fighting alongside the rest of the Thieves ever since.

Whenever he's not spending time with the other Thieves or infiltrating palaces, Ikuto spends his time practicing piano and immersing himself in the world of music.


Ikuto is a very soft-spoken and calm young man, with a very polite attitude toward almost everyone he meets. He has a bit of trouble approaching people he doesn't already know, which can make him come off as introverted or shy at times. He usually keeps his emotions in check, and will rarely show aggression or other negative emotions, even if he may be feeling them at the time.

His biggest insecurity lies in the fact that he's practically gone blind. Ikuto has a hard time opening up to people due to a deep-seated fear of being judged or belittled because of his visual impairment, and will even go as far as to lie or cover it up when he meets someone new. When his blindness is inevitably made known to the rest of the Phantom Thieves, however, they still treat Ikuto like an equal, shattering this fear and allowing Ikuto to truly be himself around them. He holds a deep care for his friends, and values time with them above anything else.

Before awakening to his Persona, he had a tendency to sit back and let his parents and helpers do everything for him. After his awakening, however, he becomes determined to let himself be coddled no longer, and starts to stand up for himself more.







  • Playing piano
  • White noise
  • Cozy clothes
  • Crowds
  • Silence
  • Cold temperatures

  • He has a very pretty laugh that's often described as musical-sounding.
  • Ikuto has been playing the piano ever since he could reach the keys, before his vision got as poor as it is today. Piano is his greatest passion-- he knows the key locations by heart, and though he can no longer read sheet music, he has no trouble improvising pieces or playing by ear.
  • Despite being blind, he still makes an effort to look in the direction of people's voices when they speak. He's gotten fairly good at following sound like this.
  • His fighting style in the Metaverse can best be described as graceful and calculative, as if he's dancing. He prefers to use the size of his scythe to his advantage in order to keep some distance between himself and his opponent.
  • Ikuto does not attend a public high school; rather, his parents have paid for special private schooling at home.
  • Joins the Phantom Thieves sometime after Futaba but before Haru.
Design Notes

  • Long off-white hair tied into a low ponytail
  • Has an hourglass earring on his right ear when in his Metaverse outfit; see reference for details
  • Gold detailing on eyemask

Ikuto's Metaverse outfit is meant to resemble pajamas, with a long nightcap and pointy star-tipped shoes. His mask is modeled off of a sleeping mask without the strap around the back of his head.

His weapon is a large scythe with stripes down the handle and a blade that looks like a shooting star.

For his real world outfits, see this image.


early life

Ever since the day Ikuto was born, his vision had always been poor, though it took a few years before it descended into full blindness. Of course, his parents didn't notice anything was hugely amiss, until he went in for an eye test when he was about six years old. That was when it became apparent that his vision was fading... and it was anticipated that by the time he turned ten, he would be blind.

After receiving that news, Ikuto's parents started to be increasingly overprotective of their son. They hired a private homeschool teacher who specialized in schooling visually impaired students, they wouldn't let Ikuto be home by himself, and they were rarely comfortable with the boy going outside for fear of him getting lost. Ikuto spent most of his time with his "big sis" Natsuka (later to be known as Nina) Tomoe. The two were incredibly close, and unlike his parents, Natsuka didn't treat Ikuto any different after she found out about his decaying eyesight. She would sing while he played piano, help him pick out his outfits... the two could easily be called best friends.

Unfortunately, such sunny days couldn't last forever.

losing his sister

As the years passed and Natsuka began to enter the music industry for her singing talent, the time she spent with Ikuto became less and less. The times she visited became limited to when Ikuto's parents would ask her to watch over the boy while they were away at work. Of course, Ikuto didn't complain about this... he knew that his sister was busy following her dream as a pop star. What worried him was the change in her behavior. It got to a point where she almost seemed upset to come see him, where she used to be so willing to drop everything for her little brother. Not only that, but Ikuto noticed Natsuka became a lot more susceptible to outbursts of anger when things didn't go her way. Ikuto even began to hear rumors of her being physically violent toward her former idol group before she went solo.

By the time Ikuto turned sixteen, Natsuka had stopped visiting altogether.

meeting the phantom thieves

About a year passed, and Ikuto was doing his best not to think about how much he worried for his sister. It was around this time that Natsuka's solo career as a pop star had really begun to take off, and she had even scheduled her first concert tour outside of Japan that would kick off by the end of summer. Despite that, rumors about Natsuka continued to circle... and even though Ikuto didn't want to believe them, he knew they were true.

However, about a month before Natsuka was meant to go on her big tour, Ikuto caught wind of a mysterious group known as the Phantom Thieves, who could supposedly change people's hearts. He had a brief moment of hope that maybe these thieves could help his sister. Of course, that moment was short lived, as he knew he would likely never be able to find the thieves and ask them for help.

Little did he know, on one of the rare days where he ventured out into the city, he would overhear a group of teenagers talking about Phantom Thief matters among the crowd. This moment of extreme luck would open the door for Ikuto to help his sister... and gain a group of friends who would forever change his life for the better.


nina tomoe big sister figure

Though the two aren't related by blood, Ikuto has always viewed Nina as an older sister. Nina has known Ikuto since the day he was born, thanks to the connection between their families.

When Nina was inducted into the music industry and her distortion began to take root, Ikuto was the first to notice a change in her.


After Nina's heart was changed, Ikuto found himself falling for Yusuke pretty damn fast. He loves listening to Yusuke go on his rants about art and beauty... despite being unable to see Yusuke's paintings for himself...

Ikuto mostly expresses his affection through actions (such as being the one to sit next to Yusuke in Leblanc) and if put on the spot about it, he's fairly easy to fluster.

Kenji Kagami best friend

Upon meeting Kenji, Ikuto was the only one of the thieves who didn't show hostility toward him. Despite Kenji's ability to mimic and use others' personas being quite a shock, Ikuto wanted to give the boy the benefit of the doubt, and it certainly paid off.

Kenji belongs to Wyrdcarsner