
1 year, 4 months ago


A newcomer to the Splatsville scene, Peachy rolls into town starry-eyed and enchanted by the scale and promise of fame, but it all goes awry when she accidentally falls in a manhole into Alterna.

Rumor is that she hit her head when she fell in that hole.

Rumor is that she keeps illegal weapons in her coat.

Rumor is that she has bones. Inklings don't have bones.

Peachy is a mess of infamy, unreliability, and paranoia, but she's also patient, charismatic, extremely skilled with a knife, and has a skill picking friends with powerful creatures of all species.

She and Ira both are originally from the Wetlands.

Pink ink by default, with teal accents. Her eyes are teal-green or blue depending on the light with red pupils. She has a double piercing on her left ear.