


1 year, 7 months ago


He/she or whatever can be human or anth

Arctic weirdo

Boysxout dropout vibes

Bounty hunter is severely underdressed for it

Bro actually fainted tryna drink milk 🙄

Fr though she's sorta dangerous, people w don't usually survive encounters with her. She smells like milk which is really weird but like go off king ig. Targets hear the light wave of wind, a faint scent of milk, and her tail dragging in the snow when she's close

Things on his back are skis, people mistake them for swords but he uses a gun. gives him the element of surprise which works out usually

Hands shake for some unspecified reason so though she's great at getting a general area of target, she likes to fire off multiple shots at once so there's a larger chance at hitting.(her work is messy but efficient because of this)  Tried using sniper once and it didnt,, go well

Quiet when he's working but can bereally rowdy, likes to frequent inns/taverns/bars and play (cheat at) cards. Really fun to be around, has a stupid funny sense of humor and if drunk enough she will hang by the light fixtures from her tail on a dare 

He has gotten run out on multiple occasions because of this though

Really happy in the cold, her hands are numb and cold to the touch constantly though (also is barefoot for some reason)

Not usually a large crowd around him, he's not generally 'magnetic'? Never shy but he contemplates often, and his appearance and job make him intimidating to soem

Has hounds I think