🔪 Mikuru 🔪



6 years, 5 months ago




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Mikuru resides in Konohagakure, where she shares a close bond with her companions Himawari, Chocho, and Shikadai. Despite her  years of age, she still holds the rank of Chunin, largely due to her tendency towards clumsiness and forgetfulness. However, beneath her seemingly tranquil exterior lies a latent potential for danger.

Despite her peaceful demeanor, Mikuru possesses a hidden depth of strength and skill, which she has honed to perfection. Her unique abilities are further amplified by her partnership with two formidable beasts, who fight alongside her in battle. Like Kiba, she also possesses a beast form, adding to her prowess on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, Mikuru's propensity for bluntness and occasional conflicts with fellow shinobi like Boruto often land her in trouble. Nevertheless, her loyalty to her friends and her commitment to protecting Konohagakure drive her forward, even amidst her occasional missteps and clashes.


Ramen, Cherry Blossom Trees, Cats, Candy, Adventures, Getting in Fights, Watching the Nightsky


HEIGHTS, Insects, Being scolded, Being told what to do, Losing, Thunderstorms, Being yelled at


♦ Mikuru's mastery of Fuuton (Wind Release) and Jinton (Swift Release)  elements grants her incredible speed and agility in combat, allowing her  to swiftly evade attacks and strike with precision.

Mikuru's fear of heights restricts her from utilizing aerial maneuvers,  causing her to primarily rely on ground-based tactics during missions.

Despite her proficiency in ninjutsu and taijutsu, Mikuru struggles with  genjutsu, often finding herself susceptible to its illusions.

She prefers to rely on her fists as weapons, utilizing her physical  strength and martial arts skills to overpower opponents in  close-quarters combat.

Despite her occasional conflicts with Boruto, Mikuru secretly admires  his determination and recklessness, seeing glimpses of her own fiery  spirit reflected in his actions.

Mikuru's favorite training exercise is sparring with Shikadai, as their  contrasting fighting styles and personalities make for intense and  rewarding battles.

Raibu's fighting style is characterized by lightning-fast strikes and  acrobatic maneuvers, making him a formidable opponent even against  larger and more heavily armored foes. Raibu's cheerful and energetic personality often belies his formidable combat prowess, catching opponents off guard with his unpredictable fighting style.

Shi's healing abilities extend beyond physical wounds; he also possesses  the power to soothe emotional pain and restore inner peace to those  around him. Despite being the less combative of the two, Shi is fiercely protective  of Mikuru and will not hesitate to intervene in her defense if she is  threatened.

Her summoning partners, Shi and Raibu, represent a balance of feline agility and canine loyalty, complementing Mikuru's own fighting style and personality.

Kiba is her sensei. Despite their initial differences in personality, Mikuru and Kiba share a deep mutual respect for each other, forged through years of rigorous training and shared experiences.

Drawing Notes

Accessoires are not optional

Facemarkings are not optional

Shi always has his eyes closed 

Both headbands on the animals are not optional


None at the moment


Paid: Self-Designed | Worth: 69.25 €

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=Waiting on=


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