


6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Masquerain (Mask krin na)

Nickname: Masky Nana Krin Mango

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Ability: She really good at creating and fixing stuff

Family: a mom dad and three sisters 

Likes: Music hang out with friends hiking wearing big clothes bugs being noticed

Dislikes: Reading sitting around all day homework her sisters not being noticed

Fears: Never good enough her mom and dad don't love her being invisible 

Background: She live in a big house with her mom dad and her three mean sisters they always bully her and make fun of her just because she likes things that not girly and the way she looks. Her mom and dad is never home they are always at work while at home she is getting bulled by her own sisters and at school. Then she stared act mean and like a tomboy to make them go way but then when they don't leave her alone she tries to fight them. Her family is rich as heck they get her what ever she wants and her get what they want too but Mango dose'nt like to get stuff like that

Strengths: her confident she thinks fast

Weakness: her mom and dad her toxic thoughts 

Personality: Mango is a really clever girl she likes to learn about all kinds of stuff that would benefit in the future and she also love to go out do literally anything and hang with friends she also really silly and stubborn. In public she comes off like a tomboy but at home she actually pretty girly she acts that way in public to show she not to be mess with and so she won't get bully she even has little bit of a temper.

Love interest: She acts like so no interest in boys but she is a little bet into it

Story idea: She finds a weird robot that's alive and a little bet confused out of kindness she helps him remember who he is. Later she finds out that it was a lot worst than what she though.

Songs that make me think of her:

Her Voice: