


1 year, 3 months ago


Some random info i just threw all togehter :

silky from a more fun room who leads the victim to a dark room through fun tunnels.

daytime silly doesn't lead anyone to the dark backroom where there are hostile entities if one is a bit too close to a forbidden slide (which leads to that room) Silly will push them in x)). The slide is coated with some sort of slime so it's impossible to grip onto smt or climb back to the joyfully room.

if you break these rooms the hostile entities will just grab you out of nowhere and you will most definitely die or Silly will cut your wrists with the scissors

- Don't touch Silly

- Don't go near the Forbidden slide (Silly will push you in)

- if you want more chases to survive through the night give silly food and they'll show you where to hide best

Silly can't see in the dark so they usually walk into things during night time lol, but at morning and dawn they will make the victim chase them into the dark backroom. loves a good chase

here's another thing Silly would sit on the hostile entity's shoulder and sing children songs if it's closer to your hiding place Silly will sing faster and louder (basically hot and cold hide and seek)

Silly doesn't speak they only sing songs

to sum up:

Silly during day time only plays with the victims and gives entertainment like a jester, the bribes don't do much only helps you hide better

Silly won't protect you and will sing the song faster if spooky is close to you