
1 year, 4 months ago


Plumey Bitties by NanoBanana 
Asher by me


The day was beautiful outside, or that's what it looked like; truth is, it can be hard to tell from an old basement, but Asher was still grateful of the small window that let the sun throug the gloomy place, that window was the only good thing for him.

The door creaked behind him, that's how he knew it had been opened to let in the owner of the house, the man doing the devil's work.

The boy didn't dare move an inch or make a noise, for his own good. He tried to keep his focus to the triangular window, yet he couldn't help but jolt and close his eyes tightly at the sound of steps getting closer.

He knew all too well the sound of heavy boots, they always made his feathers ruffle and his body tremble, he tried to ignore the fear and the pain caused by the rope around his wrists; He hated that man so much, he hated him for deciding to take him away from his family and trapping him in that dark, dusty basement, he hated that man so much he felt totally capable of killing him cold-bloodedly if it wasn't for the pain that restricted him.

But this time something was different; The door was left open, letting in the sound of what seemed a ruckus. His eyes opened like plates as he felt his cage being picked up.

- You're gonna be okay - He heard a new voice say behind him.

He was terrified and confused, was this another sick game?


Asher (M):

 - Ciner plumey, glass-bone, muffs, amputee, selectively mute.

     Severely anxious, socially awkward, very intelligent but he has barely been exposed to social interaction, skittish, if surprised or scared he'll curl up and clutch or cover his head, fearful, he's timid unless provoked, he will bite if you're not careful enough, doesn't like to be asked about his scars and covers them thoroughly, his hands and wrists ache alot.