


1 year, 4 months ago


Basic Character Information 
 Species: Deer, Species Unspecified
 Pronouns: He/They

Character Arc Summary | Status: Protagonist
Holly was a relatively passive civilian, working at a gas station and neglecting his interests and desires, and living life with a more bare minimum strategy; all up until he is abruptly killed after an incident with a rabid customer and another party responsible for his death. When he wakes up in the cold woods, still alive even though he shouldn't be, his life starts to spiral, and he needs answers; and more importantly, he needs to do everything he's ever wanted for fear of dying again. But the person who killed him is still out there, and something else is lurking for him in the shadows.

Character Traits
• Talkative, and generally distracted easily. He may make up little tunes to stay on track.
• At a constant attempt to appear optimistic. He will bury his worries until pushed out of his comfort zone. He seeks routine and normality to cope.
• Very friendly, and will socialize when interacted with, but gets nervous at the prospect of conflict. He people-pleases to avoid this.
• Has interests in stories on the fantasy spectrum, and loves to cook, even if it's for only casual reasons. Likes bowling on nights out.
• Apologetic and struggles in the realm of fighting and killing zombies, having a moral hold-up on the matter.
• Likes clothing with leather, spikes, zippers, chains- well, you get the idea.
• Screams and squeals, gets spooked easily.
• Likes oranges.

Undead Information
Holly is basically undead! Here's what you need to know.
• Holly doesn't need to eat or drink, and in fact will throw up shortly after if he were to ever force himself to.
• He doesn't retain the dangerous or contagious qualities like the zombies in his world; the virus is dormant due to his body's self-healing.
• He fairs better in cold to freezing surroundings; hot weather will make him sluggish, possibly because his body has to do more repair work to prevent decay.
• Holly isn't rotting, but his wounds don't appear fresh, and neither does his blood. When cut, his body repairs itself, though will leave behind dark scar tissue or a slight open gash. Larger wounds have trouble healing, and the ones associated with his death or before he woke up stay ever present. Although he doesn't smell outwardly rotten, those with a keen scent may be able to pick up that something's at least off.
•  Zombies still are aggressive and pose a threat to him, but he can get away with more, and will likely not be a first target.

Low mental health means low regeneration abilities. Oh shoot, Holly, is that a mushroom?? His deal with Death was that he would enjoy the extra time given, and if he doesn't, what was supposed to be begins to creep up. No pressure; you'll find a meaning to life in time, won't you, Holly?

• A messenger bag

• Weapon of choice: a shovel.
• Extra clothes for both him and the mink.

• A scrapbook, with things to scrapbook with. 
• Things to cook with; utensils, storage containers, mini camping stove, etc., but very minimal.
• A sowing kit for his interest in adjusting clothes and the like, and probably an assortment of patches, spikes, and scraps.
• Has no need for rations and finds himself carrying items of use for the Mink, though still may collect cool things when he can along his journey. While the mink often carries the bare minimum to survive, he may carry things that will make life easier, but are still under the realm of a need. This list isn't a strict definite.

• Distant relationship with his immediate family.
• Looks up to his boss at work in one way or another, at least out of respect.
• Will have a blooming friendship with the mink over time.

Interactions and Development
• The mink will be assisting Holly's survival skills, such as fighting.
• Holly, for the first time forever, has someone to open up to and discuss his problems with.

Anyway, there's the basics of this fellow without spoiling too much or going on a tangent! Have a good flight!