Aram Cuthbert



1 year, 7 months ago



Aram Cuthbert

Nickname Ari, Bookworm, Nerd
Gender Male he/him
Age Immortal and not counting
Height 181 cm
Sexuality Homosexual
Myers Briggs INTJ-A
Occupation Chronicler
Alias The Historian
Partner Name

Analytical / Sincere / Exhausted
> "I am supposing you were not burdened with an overabundance of schooling." <





A man older than the mountains, Aram has been denied death longer than man has walked this earth. Everyone he knew are long and his interest in making new connections is little to none. His ability to care for himself is limited at best as he often forgets meals or even to sleep. It is not uncommon to find him in the same clothing days in a row, with smudges of ink on his sleeve and a foul attitude. Between this and his self imposed mission being so important he is protected by a trio of immortals who pass him amongst each other when he overstays his welcome. In his old age his acknowledgment of how difficult he can be has only gone down and so the three are on the lookout for someone they deem trustworthy enough to safegaurd him as they could all use a longer break.


Fresh Tea, Quiet, His Work, Medieval Music, History, Facts, Vampires, Fountain Pens, Libraries

Loud Music, Making Tea, Parties, Religion, Guns, Nagging, Being treated like a child, Modern Clothes


The scholar was often described as too literal and cold by those forced to be around him. Even when he had been an active part of the world he had been that way, but without people whom he cared about actively forcing him outside he fell more and more into his ways. Now, he rarely left the estate he was currently staying and if he did it tended to be under duress. Of the homes he stayed in, the Clagori was manor was his favourite as the owner was also uninterested in socializing so he could be left alone to work in peace for months at a time.

Under everything Aram is a truly sentimental man who burries his pain becuase he does not know what else to do.

fun facts

His drink of choice is over-steeped cold tea.

He keeps his hair in what is intended to be ornate braids to keep it out of the way and beacuse he is very nostalgic

He helped Jesus walk on water

He is a natural magical amplifier

His origonal specialty was linguistics, which is far less utilized in his current life.

One of his closest friend from when he was mortal always compared his eyes to a gold coin.

He only counts two people among his friends now that he is immortal.



Michael [ Guardian ]

Michael was enlisted by the initial guardian for being strong, highly moral, and emotionally muted. He treats Aram like a child that needs protection and parenting, despite being much younger. Aram finds this absolutely infuriating- making him act more like an impudent teenager. The two of them argue like genuine family.


Jack [ Friend ]

The first words these two ever said to each other were in unison- just stunned by each other's beauty. Aram had no seen someone this beautiful since he was mortal. Despite being surrounded by models constantly, Jack had also never seen anyone he would have described as beautiful before. The two bonded despite the worry of Michael and Jack's own husband. Aram even helped write the baby God's holy tome so that it would have an authetic feel to it.


Jasper [ Doctor and future Guardian ]

Jasper was brought in by Viktor and Michael at Jack's suggestion since they both wanted a break from baby siting. Since he was already Aram's doctor, and Aram kind of listened to him, they felt he would be a good choice. Jasper is also known to be loyal to a fault so they felt he would be safe to join the triad. Jasper begrudgingly defends and homes him, despite really not wanting to be a father figure agian. They get along fairly well all things considered since they both have very similar work habits.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.

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