
1 year, 3 months ago


✨Best Friends with Haumea 💫

Leo was orphaned as an egg and he was taken in by a nice Quasar family who were the parents to Haumea, their eggs hatched around the same time and they became instant friends, they would play and eat together, sit up at night watching the stars, wander throughout the mountains and adventure everywhere. and when Leo went through metamorphosis she stayed at his side till he came out so she could be the first dragon he´d see.

Nowadays the two work together in Haumea´s jewelry business and create magnificent works of art, she is the one that bosses him around and he retrieves the jewels, rock, wire, silks and fabrics she needs, rarely does she ever ask him to help on the actual pieces, but its reasonable if you've seen his artistic ability's 

Leo has a pair of deformed wings under his main wings the makes it harder to fly, but being the little fighter he is he manages and can mostly fly normally (turning  mid flight is a bit of a struggle) He is an Animus, but he is afraid of using his powers, hearing rumors of dragons that go mad from their powers scares him. He does occasionally help enchant jewelry, to make it have a subtle glow or float around a dragon´s head but he keeps a close record of what he enchants.