F2U┊coffee group's Comments

RAAA, USED YOUR CODE HERE X3 https://toyhou.se/~world/176596.beedle-burrow

butchery Hello! I would love to use this code but pastebin seems to be down ;;; Is there any other place that i can access the round version of this?

AHHH THIS CODE WAS SO COOL! I used it here and had sm fun putting it together! :'3 thank you so much for creating this! 

The style of this is very nice, do you plan on making more codes for species/worlds and other, more uncommon  non-character/user things?

yes, will try to make more layouts and styles for species / worlds in general, user HTML, masterlist HTML, etc., for the future!! TYSM TOO!!

This looks amazing! I love it some much! I love the layout and the colors!


You are very welcome :D

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AHH THANK YOU!!! i will try to make more, i do enjoy making these!!



is it okay to use this code just for a common world of my ocs?

of course!!

Oooh this is so useful!! Pretty and detailed, but still easy to navigate! <3 I originally suggested the world code, there's still sooo little geared towards that, you're a lifesaver 🙏

THANK YOU!! im still willing to go with more diff aesthetics for world codes if necessary :D
AND YES U DID... TYSM FOR THE SUGGESTION!! i would def try to make more resources for species and worlds in general in the future!

I could not complain about more world codes, you'd be an angel 🥺 There's plenty types of worlds too that you could experiment with! Like lore ones, rp ones etc!
Either way, I am excited to see whatever codes you'll do, they're always so aesthetically pleasing <3

AWEE you're right!! i should try more htmls i haven't seen much around aswell :D (probably there are more of these but idk where JHGHJ)
and thank you so much!!! it means a lot to me ;w;

This is so pretty,,,, def gonna be using this,,,

YAYY have fun!! and tysm!!

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