WTA's Comments

Harold, once known as Lois, has always had rather bad luck when it comes to most things in life. He's never won anything at all, and he often times gets hurt for the stupidest reasons. He's broke his foot stepping off of a curb, fell down the stairs in 3 separate incidents in one day, caused a literal explosion in his chemistry class an was temporarily expelled because of it, and broke 3 of his fingers on his left hand when he mispunched a wall. Yeah, life's been tough for him, but he's always had a sort of goofy confidence that got him through it all. He is about as much of a smooth talker as he is lucky, A.K.A not at all. He has a slight stutter and it's especially strong when he's asked to talk infront of people, but takes his often mistakes in stride and don't let them faze him. He's also been sure that he's a he since right around 3rd grade. He and his best friend would play house every day at recess with some of the other girls in the class, but Harold was never, ever the mommy no matter how many of the girls told him to be it. His friend Matthew was always the mommy, while he stood in as the daddy. Matthew was also Harold's first crush. Right about the usual time, 6th grade of so, right when the two were the closest, the other boy became suddenly very, very interesting to Harold… But, as luck would have it, the one day that Harold finally said his thoughts to Matt, Matt said, at the very least kindly, that he was not interested in Harold in that way, also explaining that Matt was very, very gay, so the gender was not a problem. He could only explain it in the fact that, though Harold was Harold now, he’d been Lois first. It would probably bother other people more, but Harold understood and settled with watching his fist love from a friendly perspective, and it wasn’t too bad. Harold, now at age 14, is taking the time to fully explain his gender. /////////Adding more to this when I can! I love this guy, and I really hope  receive him. Thank you for the chance! :D///////////