Thu Flareblade



1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info






Blood elf (Illidari)


Young adult




Thu was born in Silvermoon City and adopted by a paladin and a priest, Velanara and Aerinne. From a young age, it was clear Thu was ambitious and eager, which their parents understood as a sign of their future prowess. They began training Thu to wield the Light as they did, but the child was bored by it and did not show much promise. Their parents were exasperated by their lack of interest and ceased the training as they reached adolescence. However, Thu still dreamt of greatness and adventure, and they realized their fate lay outside of the confines of Silvermoon.

As a teen, Thu suddenly was struck with the desire to run away. They had heard whisperings of an elite force known as the Illidari, who fought the Legion using their own tactics against them. Though the other blood elves spoke of them with disgust and fear, Thu was intrigued. They became almost obsessive about finding out anything they could about the Illidari and their desire to run away only grew. They felt suffocated by the city and felt misunderstood by everyone, especially their own parents. Finally, Thu convinced a reckless warlock to create a portal to Outland so they could journey to the Black Temple.

In Outland, Thu was beset by dangers from all sides. Having been trained in combat from a very young age, they were easily able to evade the demons that pursued them to the Black Temple. The young blood elf was stealthy and entered the temple unnoticed. However, once inside they were confronted by a night elf demon hunter named Shaldryssa. She was shocked that a lone blood elf, let alone a teen, could've made it all the way to the Black Temple unscathed. However, Thu was trespassing nonetheless, and Shaldryssa elected to bring them before Illidan himself to see what should be done.

Thu was very afraid. They did not expect to get this far in the first place, and now they were coming face to face with the Lord of Outland himself. Yet, as Shaldryssa explained the situation to her master, Illidan was not angry but instead curious. He sensed the potential in the young blood elf and offered to train them himself. The other Illidari were shocked and protested, saying there was no way Thu would survive the demon hunter training, but Illidan did not relent, and none of his demon hunters dared to challenge his will any further. Shaldryssa remarked that this was essentially suicide, before leaving Thu and Illidan alone.

Thu trained their body and mind rigorously in preparation for the initiation ritual. Illidan was an unforgiving teacher and worked them to their limits. During their training, they struck up a friendship with another blood elf initiate named Kayn Sunfury. The two bonded over their shared history as outcasts of Silvermoon. 

Finally, the time for the initiation had arrived. It was overseen by Illidan and a few other senior demon hunters, including a night elf named Estel'ien Gloomclaw. They watched in anticipation as the ritual began, fully expecting to see Thu kill themself. Thu braced themself as they consumed the heart of a wrathguard. It was still for a moment before the young elf dropped to their knees, screaming in pain and horror. The other Illidari backed away and looked to Illidan for assurance, but he watched with a piercing gaze that did not betray his thoughts. Thu was assaulted by visions of demons; Azeroth ravaged by fel fire and their loved ones brutally slaughtered. They saw the Legion's immense armies, a seemingly impenetrable force lording over the cosmos. Estel'ien reached for a dagger, knowing that Thu would soon have to stab out their own eyes. However, as she did so Thu frantically reached to their face and began clawing at their eyes with their bare hands. The Illidari were horrified at the brutal scene. Gore stained their hands and blood tinged with fel poured out from the sockets. Finally, Thu collapsed in a pool of blood. The room was silent, and Illidan smiled to himself. He believed that what they had just witnessed was a sign of true power.

They were in a coma for nearly 2 weeks, attended to by Estel'ien. She carved runic tattoos into their skin to help control the fel energy within them. She watched as the blood elf's body began to transform, their feet morphing into hooves and wings sprouting from their back. When Thu finally awoke, their world painted green from their new spectral sight, Estel'ien smiled and welcomed them to their new life.

As Illidan's apprentice, Thu rose the ranks of the Illidari quickly. It was clear that they were not to be underestimated. Illidan trusted them and cared about them deeply. They were fervently loyal to the Illidari and relished in their new life. They felt they finally had a purpose in life, and found acceptance with the other Illidari. 

As is true in the demon hunter starting zone, Thu was imprisoned with the other demon hunters in the Vault of the Wardens after the Black Temple was assaulted.

After being freed from stasis and defending the Vault, they were hesitant to return to Azeroth. They knew they would no longer be welcome in Silvermoon and treated as a monster. The other races of Azeroth scorned the demon hunters, believing them to be only pawns of the Legion. Thu's only friends were the other demon hunters. 

It occurred to them that they had not taken their parents into account when they ran away so long ago. They must've been devastated and probably assumed that Thu had died. Even though their better judgment told them otherwise, Thu wanted to visit them to at least give them closure and let them know they're happy. They hoped they'd understand their choice, even if they disagreed with it. So they went home to Silvermoon and knocked on the door of their childhood house. Aerinne, the priest, answered. At first, she did not know who was standing on her doorstep. Then, she grew pale at the realization that it was her own child. She immediately began to panic and cry as Thu attempted to explain themself. Thu tried to tell her that they were dedicated to protecting Azeroth just like her and Velanara, but Aerinne heard none of it over her frantic sobs. Velanara came to the door because she heard the commotion. As soon as she saw Thu, her face went blank. 

"We thought you had died," Velanara said gravely.

Thu smiled weakly and shrugged. "Well, I'm here, right?"

Aerinne wiped her eyes. "The Light can still heal you, Thu. You can still be saved."

Thu's body tensed. "Saved...? I don't need to be saved. This was my choice."

With that, Velanara turned away and urged Aerinne back inside. "It would have been better had you simply died."

The door shut, and Thu was left devastated and completely alone.

They travelled back to the Broken Isles, defeated. The lingering emptiness would not leave them. They felt lost and alone, and carried on with their campaign with sorrow. 

The campaign eventually lead them to Suramar City, where their life would again change forever.

Thu was working for the Dusk Lily resistance, and as part of a reconnaissance mission they attended a masquerade ball for Suramar's elite. There, they noticed one nightborne who seemed out of place. She seemed irritated by her surroundings, and determined to make everyone miserable. For some reason, this interested Thu. They watched her and knew that she noticed them too. The nightborne's interest was piqued and she walked over to Thu with a strange glint in her eye. She grabbed hold of Thu's wrist, taking them off guard, and did not ask, but demanded Thu dance with her.

Thu obliged, but did not say anything. They could not figure out what was so peculiar about her, but she seemed different than the rest of the nobles. She was domineering and confident, sneering at everyone who looked at her the wrong way. The two danced, and Thu's heart pounded in their chest. They felt alive for the first time since being released from the vault. The ball ended, and the two parted ways without even learning each others' names.

However, Thu got it in their mind to secretly follow her to ensure her safety (at least, that's what they told themself). They flew between the rooftops, watching from above. They began to have second thoughts, as it is pretty weird to follow a girl home whose name you don't even know, until they sensed a demon nearby.

Sure enough, in the street below the nightborne had been accosted by a wandering felguard and was in danger. Thu swooped into action and took on the demon, slaying it easily. They then turned around to see the nightborne still cowering against the wall with wide eyes. Suddenly, it occured to Thu that they might've scared her, so they smiled and introduced themself, unaware that they were still covered in demon blood. But this did not faze her one bit, and she thanked them and introduced herself as Uinen. Thu offered to accompany her back home to make sure any other demons didn't try to attack her, and Uinen agreed.

Thu and Uinen walked back together to the estate on which Uinen lived. Thu was hesitant to enter her house, but Uinen insisted that they stay and Thu wasn't about to say no to that. I'm sure you can infer what they got up to next, and if not then let's just say neither of them got much sleep that night.

Thu was completely infatuated with Uinen, and Uinen seemed to reciprocate. She was rude, arrogant, and downright mean but somehow this was endearing to Thu. Over time, their relationship continued to develop until neither of them could hardly stand to be apart from each other. However, Uinen could not leave Suramar due to the magic dome that enclosed it, so Thu frequently visited even when they were supposed to be elsewhere.

After the defeat of the Legion, Uinen wished to accompany Thu on their future adventures, so she joined the horde with the rest of the nightborne. Thu helped her hone her combat skills, because as a noble she really did not have any. They traveled all over Azeroth in the following years, and they were inseparable. Their personalities and opposing moral compasses often clashed, much to the discomfort of those around them, but in the end they always came back to each other. Thu hoped that it would never end, but unfortunately, all good things must end.

The horde was sent to the Shadowlands as the realms of life and death hung unbalanced. At first, everything seemed fine. Uinen was up to her old antics and being as unpleasant as ever, leaving Thu to do damage control with the denizens of the Shadowlands. However, Thu sensed a change in her when they got to Revendreth. She seemed to be very fixated on the venthyr, and not in a good way. Thu understood that their mission was to aid the rebellion, and to their surprise Uinen disagreed. She supported Denathrius and his loyalists much to Thu's annoyance. This disconnect only grew as time went on, and Thu began to notice Uinen disappearing for long periods of time and refusing to elaborate on where she was going. Finally, it reached a boiling point where the two had a fight about it and did not make up. Uinen stormed off and Thu let her, as it happened many times before and she always came back eventually.

But time wore on, and Uinen did not return. Thu began to grow worried. Even after leaving Revendreth, they tried to tell themself Uinen could keep herself safe and obviously did not want to be with them anymore. Although it pained them, Thu pressed on with the campaign, feeling there were more important matters at hand than their own relationship issues. Thu allied with the Kyrians of Bastion, yet could not shake the feeling in their mind that something was seriously wrong. When Prince Renathal invited them along with the Kyrians to the Ember Court, Thu expected to see Uinen there and perhaps reconcile. But she was nowhere to be found, and none of the venthyr had even heard of her before. Thu suddenly realized that Uinen must've been killed. After all, she was never particularly good in battle, and Revendreth was crawling with unseen danger at every corner. Thu was in despair and blamed themself for allowing Uinen to run off. They forced themself to continue pressing on with their allies, focusing on the assault of Castle Nathria.

Thu entered Castle Nathria with the rebellion prepared for a fight. Their whole body still ached from Uinen's supposed death, but they tried to put it aside and focus on the task at hand. Though the assault was mostly successful, Sire Denathrius escaped with Remornia in the end. However, his reign was ended and thus Renathal was victorious nonetheless. The Castle was in disarray from all the fighting, and as Thu prepared to leave they noticed someone among the wreckage. They were emaciated and covered in wounds but dressed in fine venthyr clothes, now torn. But it was no venthyr. It was Uinen, cowering in fear. She had magic shackles on her wrists, and seemed more afraid than Thu had ever seen her before. Thu dashed over to her, but Uinen backed away with tears in her eyes. She let out a weak blast of anima in an attempt to get Thu to back off. Thu was shocked and asked her what was going on. Uinen was incoherent and it seemed like her mental state was completely shattered. Thu rushed to Renathal to tell him that a heavily injured mortal was in the Castle. Uinen was taken back to Sinfall by stoneborn guards, struggling and crying the whole way there. She was deemed to unstable to be free and was kept in Sinfall. Thu never left her side, but Uinen did not say a single word until months had passed. Then, she told Thu everything.

Thu was horrified to hear about Uinen's captivity and torture, and even more horrified to hear that she was still loyal to Denathrius after suffering so much abuse. But Uinen looked at them tearfully and begged for forgiveness. Thu had never seen them so ashamed. Thu took her frail body into their arms and promised to never let any harm come to them again and Uinen sobbed.  Thu remained in Sinfall after that.

Though it took a long time, Uinen's mental state began improving. Her wounds healed and the magical shackles were broken off her wrists, though they left scars. She gained back the weight she had lost and began looking healthy again. It was clear she was traumatized and deeply ashamed of her actions, but it was unclear if she actually regretted them or just regretted the outcome. By the time the Jailer was defeated, Uinen was released from Sinfall. Thu brought her back to Suramar, but Uinen begged to accompany them once again to the Dragon Isles. Thu agreed and they left together once more. Their relationship slowly began to heal, but neither of them want to admit they're still in love with each other. Thu thinks they failed Uinen and Uinen thinks Thu deserves someone better. But they're learning to trust each other again, and with time Thu believes it will all be okay in the end.

Physical description:

  • 4C white-blue hair worn in short locs with the side shaved
  • Dark brown skin with warm undertones and bright green glowing tattoos that form a depression like scars
  • Smooth horns that curve upward
  • Very muscular physique
  • Somewhat short for a blood elf
  • Small tusks/bottom fangs
  • Digitigrade legs and cloven hooves
  • Eye sockets with green flame instead of eyes. Many small pale scars over their eyes as a result of clawing them out. Eyelids still partially intact but they cannot fully close them (but they don't really need to anyway)
  • Sharp nails
  • Long, thin opposable tail that fades into a dark red color with a spade at the end
  • Large batlike wings