Hikaru - Omosky



1 year, 4 months ago



Generation 1

Legendary Slot: Closed

Legendary +1 Inheritance: Open


Name Hikaru
Age 500+
Race Eastern Dragon
Gender Male
Sexuality Heterosexual
Pronouns He / Him
Role Wind God
Breedings Open

  • Mystic Ancestor - Legendary
  • Mammal Ears - Uncommon
  • Dragon Nose - Uncommon
  • Slit Pupil - Rare
  • Cloud Tufts - Roaming
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Hikaru was once a small koi in a small pond of a viscet. While the others were content to be hand fed, Hikaru wanted more, he dreamed of being more. One night, his prayers were answer in the form of a sudden mystical river appearing in front of him. Determined, Hikaru leaped from his pond and into the ancient river, disappearing off the mortal plane. The current in this river was strong, but Hikaru pushed forwards, brushing fins with other koi who dreamed of being greater. Some gave up, but Hikaru and a large school continued, never tiring as they pushed against the powerful current. Finally, the reached the end, only to be faced with a large waterfall the towered above them, water thundering down it. Some of Hikaru's breathren gave up, letting the river take them back to their captive lives, but Hikaru was still determined. Refusing to give up, Hikaru and him remaining breathren leapt and began to climb. Over and over again, Hikaru was pushed back by the powerful water, but still he shooked himself and leapt again. Over time, more and more of his fellow koi gave up and swept back down the river, but Hikaru pushed on, getting stronger each time he attempted the feat. After 100 years, Hikaru finally reached the top, the only remaining koi. He dove into the still, glimmering pond at the top of the waterfall, relif and pride radiating from him when suddenly he felt a thrum of power, and Hikaru began to change. Where once there was a small koi, now a powerful and free dragon emerged from the lake.

Hikaru gained the power of flight and ability to control the winds after his transformation. He also gained the ability of speech and transformation, allowing him to turn back into his koi form or into a viscet to blend in. To chosen ones, Hikaru could bless them, giving them great fortune. Over time, he became known as the god of wind - and through their belief he eventually became a true god.

Hikaru is a kind and gentle, but powerful dragon - it takes alot to anger him and cause him to release his devestating wind. He is known for his perseverance and determination, and if often seen as a symbol of symbol of strength and power, but also tranquility.

Hikaru's realm is that of the tranquil pond at the top of the waterfall, filled with nature and pure fresh water. It is his resting place, where he once more submerges himself in the familiar watery depths.

