The Kin



1 year, 4 months ago



The Kin is a group of slugcats that reside under the Iterator Passing Time. The Kin started off by bringing nearby families together to form a group and live in the Time's structure. However, the group eventually left due to conflict between the two leaders and Time. As the group struggled to survive out on their own, it slowly fell to chaos. The weak were forced to flee or were killed, and the two leaders eventually killed one another. The Kin is no more now, and only a few past members are still alive...

This is still a work in progress so it will be messy and missing references for the time being.




SPECIES Slugcat (Created with centipede DNA)
ALIGHMENT Neutral Evil
STATUS Deceased
THEME No Children

One Lyre was one of the creations of the Iterator known as Passing Time. Created alongside Two Strings, the two grew up together and were very close. When a few slugcat families came to Passing Time's structure, the two ended up leading the families, forming a group known as The Kin. A group of several families dedicated to surviving together. But as time went on, One Lyre grew more dominant and controlling. They had a grasp on Two Strings, manipulating them to their side because we're actual kin. We only have each other. We don't need anyone else.. So when an argument happened between Passing Time, One Lyre, and Two Strings, the Kin was forced out of the structure and left to live on their own. This was when things grew dire and survival in such a large group became harder. One Lyre started to seperate the group, excluding the weaker and treating them lower. Members weren't allowed to leave as One Lyre would try to kill anyone who "betrayed" them. As the group went down in numbers rapidly, Two Strings finally had enough and fought their brother. One Lyre was killed by Two Strings, but not before driving a spear into Two...




SPECIES Slugcat (Created with centipede DNA)
ALIGHMENT Lawful Neutral
STATUS Deceased
THEME Fish Inside a Birdcage

Two Strings was one of the creations of the Iterator known as Passing Time. Created alongside One Lyre, the two grew up together and were very close. For a long time, Two has always felt out of place. They clung to their sibling because of this since both of them were different than the usual slugcat. Even as others came, Two would never be as close to someone as One. Whether One knew this or not though, it did not stop them from using Two and manipulating them to agree with them on things. Whether it be going against Passing Time, or leaving the structure, or hurting members of The Kin. Because in the end, we're better than them. And besides, true kin stick together.But eventually, Two had enough. After the loss of many slugcats in the Kin, Two decided to confront One Lyre which led to a fight. Two Strings killed One Lyre, unintentionally. But before they could panic, Lyre stabbed them with a spear. As Two was dying, they saw Passing Time's structure reopen just for them. They crawled over to Passing Time, and spent their last hours in Passing Time's arms as they slowly died...




MEMBERS End of Winter & Seven Rising Suns
STATUS Deceased

End of Winter....

Seven Rising Suns...


— ??? —


STATUS Unknown

End of Winter....

Seven Rising Suns...


— MISC —


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