


1 year, 4 months ago


Context cues:

Two Faced God: The power of Cecidit Puer/opposite of positive destruction

Time period: 1275 bc – 2100ac

Cecidit Puer: Cecidit Puer on Toyhouse


-main information about Al-Akhayr

-information about Two Faced God and the doua yitlachi

-information about his bg-

-more detailed information- OPTIONAL

-main information about Al-Akhayr-

“What? What are you staring at?? I’ll give you something to stare at, Rat!”

-note, don’t stare at him. He will see it as an invite to fight.

In Egypt there once was a story which was popular amongst children, told to them by the elders and even toys were made of the characters…it was the story of the white vulture and the four masked children. The story went that one day a white vulture arrived in Egypt, it would spread its wings high into the sky and cover the sun with them, sending Egypt into never ending darkness. Whoever the vulture laid its eyes on would find the most evil and vile thoughts be pulled out of their mind and compressed into another form of themselves. The vulture was of unknown origin, on its beautiful white feathers many crosses and wings were displayed and its beak was always pulled into an evil grin. However after the vulture ruled Egypt in darkness and tyranny for many years suddenly there was a glimpse of light, a child with the mask of their great god Anubis stood in the center of the village and held the head of one of the beasts, in his right hand he held a weapon made of gold and in his left was the head of one of the vultures beasts as it slowly started to melt into nothing but darkness. 

There were a total of three masked children, one wore the mask of Anubis, one wore the mask of Bastet, one wore the mask of Borus and one wore the mask of Ammit.  The vulture was enraged by the new light Egypt had gained and tried to get rid of the pest that brought fall to its tyranny but the children didn’t waver. They did not falter. No the children they stared into the eyes of the vulture wit no fear, and that made the vile beast furious. After days and days of hard battle and destruction the children had managed to shackle the vulture and lock it away far far into the desert, into a place where no one shall ever know that this beast ever existed…and the children became guardians of Egypt…guardians of the world. When the world needed them again, a name is all one must speak and their flames shall ignite once more. However…that is merely a story, and stories are told by the victors..when the reality of things was much more cruel and vile. The masked children you have just heard of were an organization called Dua Yitlachi, an organization which first rose its fist against the dreaded white vulture called Cecidit Puer and up to this day still keeps the evil contained within a small village located near rome. They knew that they didn’t stand a chance against Puer nor his creations so in order to save Egypt and the rest of the world from the claws of the devil they decided to sacrifice their belief and morals in order to selectively breed chosen people from their land for many years until the first dua yitlachi were created who bore nothing but superhuman strength, they couldn’t defeat Puers creations just yet but they were able to push the creations back until they fled, only later along the generational line is when Dua yitlachi evolved enough to effectively fight alternates and Puer himself. However, this wiki is about..a special dua yitlachi…the last one to exist. 

Al-Akhayr. Also known as the ancestor to the first Bastet dua yitlachi. Being apart of the last generation born in 1939 Al-Akhayr had three other siblings who were already born a lot stronger and mentally hardened than him, they were one of the only generations of dua yitlachi who seemed to share a strong emotional bond with one another since there was no previous generation which was able to raise them. His brothers however deceased after Puer had managed to break through their minds and corrupted their souls causing them to wage war against each other and fall to their own hands. Only Al-Akhayr did not fall for this mind trick due to him being the only one who was nod led by honor or the inbred need to defeat puer, but Al-Akhayr was lead by lust. Lust for fight, lust for adrenaline and the need to prove himself a worthy warrior next to his brothers..Puers words could not deceive him as there was nothing to be deceived. Since Al-Akhayrs brothers were the only family that he had ever known the young warrior had used his last bit of energy to user the power of positive destruction on the barely living bodies of his family, destroying their bodies and remolding them into a dua yitlachi creation who stays loyal to him to this day. He had molded their bodies into one being, the embodiment of a god he wore as a mask like his ancestor did, the embodiment of the goddess Bastet who now serves as a loyal servant to Al-Akhayr and is the only creation of his Al-Akhayr seems to worship equally as much as it worships him..after all it is the bodies of his brothers..the very souls of them combined into one being..and sometimes the aggressive warrior swears he can hear their words when he is in need…


“ They aren’t just lifeless machines! They bear more life that YOU will ever bear! God you people make me FURIOUS!”

The due yitlachi are a special kind of they evolved with time as well. What once had been a fight between fists and spears had slowly evolved into a time where artificial metal and complex machinery are used, and that is the case for Al-Akhayr as well. First let’s clear something up, alternates of puers creation are not able to be killed. You can shoot them in the face, decapitate them, incinerate them or hell throw them in a tub of acid but- they will die for just a moment. After a few hours these wretched beasts will crane their head and regenerate with absolute ease. Since these alternates were created by an inhuman source which borders to godhood the only way to kill them is with something GODLESS. Something that defies godhood in every way, or shortly said: something artificial. So before the dua yitlachi have created something called Godless Steel which is a purely chemical combination of elements and metal, it appears with a golden shine but has small black impurities all over its surface. This metal is extremely hard to bend or break but weighs barely anything, due to its tense surface it is resistant to most trauma being inflicted on it and bears one winning trait: It can kill the unkillable. 

Due to its godless heritage Godless steel is able to effectively kill godly creations and ridden the world of alternates who have previously been impossible to kill, they even have their armor made out of this forged metal which means some alternates also cannot pierce through it without extreme effort. Anyways now that that’s cleared up let’s get to Al-Akhayr, due to him being the youngest and most aggressive member of the last generation Al-Akhayr wields a large long ranging weapon, the double edged scythe. Not only is the scythe a symbol of death (which is his prophecy) but it also requires extreme skill and patience to master which is why such devious weapon was given to the most impatient one of the group. The back of the scythe shows the maw of Ammit decorated with the edge of another spear within, this has the purpose of ramming it into the enemies body while the maw of Ammit clamps down and keeps them in place, preventing them from escaping, the top of the scythe has a laying crescent moon like shape symbolic to the laying crescent moon of Arabia and very effective to slash enemies even behind shields or borders. If you look closely on Al-Akhayr reference sheet you can see very distinguished mechanical pieces resembling engines who boke out of his back, elbows and lower legs. 

These engines are extremely powerful and extremely advanced even for modern times, being equipped with magnesium within the depths of these engines they can produce a bright blinding white flame and spray the 2000 degree hot fire flakes all over the affected area, due to the fact that magnesium is highly explosive these engines are actually not used in the way normal engines are used. In fact they work with the force of explosion which can make Al-Akhayr incredibly fast in the air. These engines are also located on his elbows, his entire lower arm being made out of machinery, since the location is so fitting Al-Akhayr can create a smaller explosion and hit with extreme force onto the wished target, the force being strong enough to easily crush someones skull without much thought behind it. Now to the main and most important part of his weaponry, an ability which was bread into the dua yitlachi over centuries: Positive destruction. In order to fight a god you have to be the polar opposite of them, and while Puers negative creation ability allows him to forge an alternative being out of an already existing being the positive destruction ability allows the user to use two or more already existing creatures and destroy them to an molecular level, then remold them into one more powerful being. 

Unlike Puers alternates the beasts created by dua yitlachi remain fully conscious and aware of what is happening, however they do similarly experience unwavering loyalty towards the one who created them, which in this case is Al-Akhayr, and act as a form of servant warrior to them. Unlike Negative Creation, Positice destruction does NOT require consent of the opposite person and instead can be used wherever and on whoever Al-Akhayr wishes to use it on, however if the resistance of the victim is too strong then it can physically weaken Al-Akhayr to a point where he himself has to sacrifice pieces of himself in order to support the process of Positive Destruction, however it can be halted if Al-Akhayr is inflicted with physical trauma which lets his concentration falter. Every dua yitlachi creation is equipped with inbred speakers to play the sounds of corruption, these sounds are meant to disorient alternates as they interfere with the natural sequence of puers voice leading the alternates and can often be compared to ancient chanting or howling.


Ohhhh now to the best part about Al-Akhayr, his nasty ass gnarly chihuahua looking goofy ass self. Considering that he came from an organization which pretty much forcibly bred innocent civilians in order to fight a greater evil  and has been fighting absolute monstrosities who look like deformed humans who have been chewed and spat out by multiple cows- he came out fine. It is important to mention that many normal human feelings have been bread out of these cyborgs over time, normal feelings such as hunger, exhaustion, love and empathy so that it doesn’t get in the way of their line of work. Even though the dua yitlachi have good intentions of curing the world of a virus no one except for them can fight, they still had extremely unethical ways of getting to that goal- of getting to the last generation of dua yitlachi who bear the very power they were trying to create. And selectively breeding people for centuries was just one of the evil… Unlike his brothers who had extremely righteous personalities and were righteous up to the brim, fighting for the goal of curing the world of the evil of Puer, Al-Akhayrjust..he didn’t have a feeling for that. No, Al-Akhayr from the very beginning on was neither righteous nor was his goal to protect humanity from the terrors of Puer, since he was born the weakest of the last generation and the smallest at that it has always been his goal to surpass his brothers and become more powerful, tasting the adrenaline and strength his body emitted. 

And yes while it did lead to him being an incredible weapon against the alternates it..also made Puer catch interest in him. The vulture was aiming for godhood, wanting to become more and more powerful until not even the artificial could stop him and his army anymore…and in order to archive that Puer had to merge with the personification of humanity, aka a dua yitlachi. But that had to happen on a willing basis which of course not a single generation approved of due to their strong righteous willpower..all generations up until Al-Akhayr who was the first dua yitlachi do have a goal different from the others. A goal which potentially allowed Puer to manipulate the warrior into becoming one with him and archive ultimate godhood, making Puer obsessed with making Al-Akhayr agree upon the merging. Making Puer obsessed with Al-Akhayr. Though Al-Akhayr may have an unstable and selfish goal, however that doesn’t mean that he cant differ wrong from right and every time again he declines Puer..however his mind cant help but wander…if Puer can actually give him the strength he craves? Anyway, Al-Akhayr is known to be extremely wild and untamed. He is unpredictable and can often even come off as manic especiall when fighting, though his cluelessness of the human world and how social interactions work can make for some quite interesting moments especially since it was pretty much bred into all dua yitlachi to fight. Fight no matter who is in front of you. What matters is the result.

 An unbeaten warrior, even though he finds loneliness often gnawing at the back of his head, that’s when he looks back at his loyal creation and..feels a strange warmth curling up in his chest. As if even though the future of the world was now in his hands alone that his brothers were still watching him through the eyes of his if all generations of dua yitlachi were watching him carefully through his own soul. And that alone is enough to fuel Al-Akhayr with enough anger and hatred towards Puer, he will kill the wretched white vulture and prove to everyone that this was MEANT to be. That the prophecy will not end with HIM. His appearance can also be heavily based on the prophecy that was given to the elders of Ancient Egypt. He bears the mask of Bastet the goddess of fertility meant to give his offspring the strength of their ancestors. The brain piece molded into the head of the god of wisdom Thot, meant to give Al-Akhayr the intelligence to look past lies and deceit, the wings of Isis attached to the veil of his mask meant to give him freedom and the ability to break from the chains of evil that will someday wrap around his body like wicked snakes. 

-information about Two Faced God and the doua yitlachi


Now, we’ve heard quite a few big words in the past few pages of text, so lets get two of them out of the way shall we? Let’s get started on the quite easier to digest thing..two faced god.

Two faced god is fundamentally not an evil ability. It first started to appear approximately 1200 years ago and was with that one of the very first supernatural abilities which existed on the planet, and of course when you’re a highly religious volk and suddenly a member of your village starts to do things you thought only your god could do you start to see them as some form of gift from the god above…perhaps even AS the god. Well no the very first person to receive Two Faced God was a woman so they debunked that idea pretty quickly, however they still made her the high priestess of the local church and started to worship her as someone chosen by the god above, as a symbol of power, peace and love. Though what exactly is Two Faced God? Let me explain. Two faced god is a very open ability as its based not on something physical, but in fact on your brain and belief. Since back then religion was the biggest topic and everything revolved around god and whatever spunk they came up with, two faced god became a mark of godhood and therefore fed on your belief in that god and tried its best to let you mimic the power of said god. isn’t entirely based just on fictional belief, as this power does orientate itself around not the original piece of religion but instead whatever HUMANS MAKE IT OUT TO BE. Meaning that Two Faced God has adifferent result if it were an ability in modern days that it would have in ancient times simply because todays interpretation of god is differently than it was back then…you see, back then Christianity was stained with blood..painting god as truly evil despite being believed to be good. And that had an effect on two faced god.

All of Puers predecessors believed in the version of god that they knew, they believed in a merciful god who would heal all of their wounds, take their sin away and wash them clean so they can ascend up into the heavens and live a life of solidarity and peace…Though Puer? Puer learned over the time that their god was not merciful, that their god was not clean. That their god was full of sin, only when he himself realized that he was evil did he start to see gods true face. An old, ugly one staing right back at him from the mirror..though oddly enough..seeing gods face tainted with sin..was oddly beautiful to Puer. So in case I confused you with all of this let me sum it up for you, Two faced god wants to make you, the bearer, as accurate to the god you believe in as possible. However that only works if you as the host believe in the right version of god, the more you worship the wrong god the more distant you will become to them. In Puers predecessors case, they were all kind, merciful and created things out of thin air..their hearts were pure and their hair as white as snow…every time Puer looked at them he couldn’t help but feel a certain kind of..wrongness to it. He didn’t think they were beautiful. No..they were so unbelievably ugly to him. After Puer started to realize that THEIR GOD had CREATED HIM EVIL without even flinching…and when he saw the flags of the platoons return bloodied, all chanting the name of their god while dripping with redness..or perhaps when he saw newborn children die in his mothers arms while their biological mother wailed as she bled out slowly..perhaps then did Puer realize that their god..was not good. He as the only one of his bloodline was the closest to their god, he prayed to a monster the whole time, a being of higher power which moved humans like pawns and played with them like toys..yet he kept praying..and Two Faced God took not of that. And while all of the other of his bloodline were an image of denial and hope..But Puer? Puer became an image of the harsh reality, the mirror reflection of the god they worshipped for hundreds of years already..but even then when the mirror was held in front of their faces people believed that he was a spawn of hell. Even though what they looked at..was what they prayed to. 

However creation is just one part of the basis of Two Faced God, the main part but nonetheless just one part. Two Faced God comes with the physical mutation of always being born with pearly white skin and white hair no matter what the end result of the ability will be, the children of this power always appear like angels just like Puer. Despite his unbelievably evil soul Puer remains described as absolutely beautiful and untouchable despite bearing the head of an vulture, it is just another gentle tap of delusion tapped onto the naïve peoples cheeks, their belief that angels are saviors when the very real angel they see before them will be their inevitable doom. The more further a bearer is from their belief the weaker their powers will be, for example none of his predecessors have managed to create a living being, always having been stuck to create ores or plants, hell even already furnished gold or even hay..yet none of them were strong enough to actually do the work of a god, yet Puer who was the closest to their god..did this with absolute ease, forging new beings out of the arm of the host. Depending on the strength of a bearer more wings will appear on their back..there is one..three…seven..eight..nine..twelve..and forty. Yet, only Puer was the one to bear forty wings, the most common number and the most meaningful number appearing in the bible. Just further proving that he was MEANT to be. That he is everything they yearned for..right? Two faced god is also known to be an incredibly sadistic ability, meaning the further away a host is from death the weaker the ability will get, the closer the host is to death the stronger the ability will get until it reaches its peak which is mere hours or minutes before a hosts death..however those hours/minutes can be..beyond fatal..highly destructive..meaningless..full of hatred. Especially when its induced by someone like Puer, the entire world could suffer under such wrath.

The doua yitlachi. This order right here is the very reason as though why the world is not under the claws of Puer yet. It was first founded in the ancient Egyptian times 1279 BC when Puers alternate started to spread its roots throughout Egypt, after living in fear for hundreds of years the Egyptians decided to band together and form a resistance against the rule of Puer. They had asked their pharaoh Ramses for help, wanting to protect their volk from this wretched beast. As an answer Ramses turned to their high priests who would ask the gods for what they should do, for what the future of them all looked like if they decided to interfere with the god of a different religion. What the priests had answered the pharaoh was the following prophecy: ‘The path this world has to go has two ways, one of gravel and sand while the other is an empty void of eyes and darkness. The bird of white will become one with the wolf of black and bring a dynasty of terror upon the world. That is the path of the void, the path of gravel leads to the bird of white and the wolf of black baring teeth at one another and bringing an end to each others dynasty.’ It wasn’t a clear answer, and no one knew who the wolf o black was. However one thing was clear, they did not speak of a future where the pharaoh and his people did not interfere, implying that there would be no future. Since they had to deal with a being of supernatural power there was not much that the pharaoh and his people could do to counter the terror, however what they could do was find out the weaknesses of its creation and breed warriors specifically being able to exploit these weaknesses. In order to keep the common volk from panicking they formed the order of the doua yitlachi and disguised the headquarters as an underground pyramid stated to be the grave of a long forgotten pharaoh.

 Capturing the beasts of Puer was something that could not be done easily as facing one of the beasts was a death sentence on its own every time, though from the few subjects that they could capture they found out that Puers beasts were not human, their inner workings were not human, their minds weren’t human, their needs weren’t human. They were more like empty shells driven by anger and fury, the lust for their god and filled to the brim with a liquid which turned into a thick oxidated crystal system when having gotten into touch with air, almost as if it were rust oxidating. They found out that they could fight these beasts all they want…but they cannot fight something that wasn’t human with humans. They needed something equally as terrifying and evil as these beasts…they needed to create opposite creatures to what Puer did. Warriors who were not human either, if Puer created his alternates the way a god created humans, then they must oppose said god with atheism, man made beings which defy the godly status of Puer and rob him of his power, the control he has over creation. What is a god to an atheist after all? Though how were they supposed to do that? They barely had weapons which could even scrape the alternates and their technology wasn’t enough to actually create such complex lifeforms..they knew that they couldn’t stop puer just now..but they could fight back, drag it out.

At first the doua yitlachi consisted of humans, normal humans who have been selectively bred by strong warriors who had fitting genetics for the project, humans who were bred so lung until a unnaturally strong and aggressive child came out. It didn’t matter whether a man or woman wanted to participate in the order, there were always stalkers sent out into the villages and cities of Egypt who would watch and study the people, those who they deemed fit were trapped the next night and forcefully transported into the headquarters where they would remain, women became birth machines and the men were nothing more than breeders to the higher ups, all that mattered was the result. And if the doua yitlachi which came out showed promising qualities then that warrior was bred with another warrior who had similar qualities to produce an even stronger offspring, all the way until a generation of doua yitlachi arrived which were extremely aggressive, large and physically absolute tanks. They could not go toe to toe with a middle class alternate just yet, however they could fight them long enough until the wretched thing retreated. Though no matter what you may thing, these..humans. They were not heroes, their task bred into their brains was to stop Puer and his beasts at all costs no matter the consequences that would present themselves. They have one task. And they will follow it under any circumstance. This phase of the doua yitlachilasted until about 1000 bc as that is when their system started to change…a new thing was introduced to people all over the world. The exact same thing which had given puers bloodline their power, while it wasn’t the exact same power it was completely random and had given people strange supernatural powers. 

It was still rare to come across one, though they were definitely out there, and the heads of the order were vivid to find something that they can shape to be the opposite of puers ability. They had found two people to breed their warriors with, one of which bore a power of disintegration while the other bore a power of reconstruction, once more they were bred with the already existing doua yitlachito create offspring for the very first time which had powers and could now go toe to toe with many alternates of puers creation…though they weren’t done just yet. Until the last two generations of doua yitlachicame into play. The last generation was noted to be born in the year 1939 and included four doua yitlachi, by this time of the year these warriors have already become incredibly technologically advanced to the point that they surpassed normal human technology and even bore technology within their bodies which was specifically designed to EVOLVE based on done damage to their bodies. Which means if a doua yitlachi was for example hit by a bullet into the shoulder then their body will react by evolving a harder patch of metal over the wound to prevent it from happening again, by that point the doua yitlachi were completely artificially made monsters, completely defying the concept of puer and his alternates.

Though the most important part..their power. As mentioned before, Cecidit Puer bore the power of negative creation, which meant that he could create a related entity out of the flesh of an already existing entity, creating two out of one without causing further damage to the original host except for the limb which had to be scarificed, in order to pull off negative creation however the host had to accept the offer by their own free will and could not be forced into an alternate which is why puer is so incredibly good at manipulating his victims. However the last two generations of doua yitlachi developed the ability of positive destruction which is the polar opposite of Puers ability and arguably one which is even worse than what Puer bears. Wile negative creation requires one willing host in order to create a correlated alternate Positive destruction needs two unwilling hosts who will be torn apart to an molecular level and rebuilt into something completely different, howevercompared to puers alternates the creations of the doua yitlachi actually hold a certain amount of sentience to them which is why they are able to do decisions on their own without being bound to a certain task to fulfill, as long as the order of their master is executed they are free to reign. Since doua yitlachi are an Egyptian order which even lasted into the start of world war one all of the doua yitlachis creations are known to be of Egyptian heritage and are most commonly represented as Egyptian gods, for example Al-Akhayr most commonly summons creatures which look extremely alike to both Anubis and Ammit while he himself bears the mask of Bastet, the goddess of fertility and cats. Due to him being the youngest and smallest of the last generation of doua yitlachi the higher ups decided to le him represent the goddess of fertility in hopes of letting his offspring bear his power instead of his physical strength. Another important thing is that each doua yitlachi bears the physical appearance of a chosen god by the superiors, the god they bear is what they hope their future offspring to bear as a form of last worship to gain the appeal of the gods. Every creation a doua yitlachi creates using positive destruction is also known to be a cyborg like being, with metallic skin, hydraulics and mechanics but still being a biological creature within, further defying the will of Puer and his control.

But why was the last generation of doua yitlachi born in 1973? What happened that this is truly the end of the order which has protected the world for centuries? Simple, Puer got stronger. The closer he comes to his death the stronger his power becomes and puer evolved faster than the order could produce heirs resolving in the headquarters of the doua yitlachi being overrun by alternates. The battle between the last generation of doua yitlachi against puer and his alternates resumed for a couple hundred years later until even they fell to his godly might, only al-akhayr remains today. At first he was spared by Puer because of his ability to become one with him, give Puer the last kick to become the ultimate lifeform..though the more Al-Akhayr got hit and evolved the more he became a threat to Puer himself making Al-Akhayr the most powerful doua yitlachi up to date, and to this day his hatred grows for the vulture headed beast as he recalls the destruction of his brothers and sisters, fueling the already hatred filled void within his chest further. Puer hadn’t even bothered to kill them himself, he played them..manipulated them..used their voices against them and drove them so far until they fought against each other until the end. Everyone fell for it…just not Al-Akhayr. But he wasn’t strong enough to stop them. Also important to mention that doua yitlachi are NOT HEROES, they serve a purpose and they will do anything to fulfill that purpose. Even when their doing is worse than what Puer is doing, that’s what has been bred into their brains….

(more information to come)

-information about his bg-

The last two generations of dua yitlachi were actually bread in artificial wombs inside of the underground pyramid in order to prevent human morals and instincts to be bred into the next generation as well. These artificial wombs however were still primarily led with the fertilized frozen eggs of past breeders and recent dua yitlachi keeping the tradition running, just that now certain aspects of the wished generations could be changed at will thanks to hormonal influence they could have on the artificial womb. This lead to the last two generations to be the strongest generations to exist up do date, however when Al-Akhayr and his brothers were finally bale to leave the artificial wombs they found the headquarters completely wrecked and destroyed, the higher ups of the organization having been hung in the middle, crucified from the ceiling down… They had started their journey into life completely alone, only running on the very thoughts that had been bred into them and the unstoppable need to hunt down the wretched beasts which had destroyed the headquarters and have been threatening the planet for centuries. Al-Akhayr himself was born prematurely compared to his brothers meaning his body wasn’t developed to its full potential, this made him quite the spectacle amongst his taller broader and more advanced brothers who kept prodding at him and asking why he was so small. That means Al-Akhayrs personality development was already influenced very early on to be more aggressive than his brothers simply because the prodding and poking of the taller masked males set off aggression within his new body, and the personality of a newly forged dua yitlachi is usually decided within the first our of birth. And since there was no one to help them develop it..their environment is what forged them. Fir the first year of their existence the new generation including Al-Akhayr have resided within the broken down base, the eldest of their group and the most righteous one having decided that without training he wouldn’t let any of them even get a glimpse of the surface, this time in which the four have spent hidden underground Cecidit Puer had enough time to wreak as much havoc as he pleased, raising the population of his army after having supposedly defeated his only enemy for good..

Al-Akhayr had fought alongside his brothers for many hundreds of years, their strength and bond having thickened like the blood of a family and their sheer raw power of the youngest and last generation was enough to send a new way of furiosity through Puer, they were stronger than ever before, faster than ever before, more intelligent than ever before. Their weapons were swung with grace and their eyes were sharp like the one of hawks..yet they kept themselves in the shadows. Al-Akhayr still looked upon his brothers with jealousy, his minds occupied with the echoing sounds of faint distant words, and dreams who haunted him at night of an old woman dressed in pears and veil speaking of his death to save the world. Al-Akhayr however was not ready to speak about it to his dear brethren, he did not want them to know of his weakness, he did not want them to see him as a runt. He wanted them to look at him with the same pride as they looked upon the land, as they looked at each other..and that corrupted the boy…ate him up from the inside. While his brothers were primarily focusing on ancient Egyptian techniques and mastering the weapons their masters had gifted upon them, Al-Akhayr found himself fascinated with his power, with the power of positive destruction and would frequently use animals as his test subjects, molding their bodies together and forge the body of his gods out of them, his favorite to make was the body of Ammit, her crocodile head, lions mane and hippo body was strong enough to carry his body over miles and he basked in the strength that his very creation emitted..his brothers onlyused positive destruction in the direst of needs..but Al-Akhayr loved it even if it wasn’t needed, he studied his ability, knew more and more about it and found out that even if both bodies die..the very core of those bodies was..was still somewhat present in his creations eyes. As if every exhale these machines took contained the whispers of the minds what it once was…and as aggressive and wild Al-Akhayr was in his nature..he couldn’t help but often lay besides his creations and just listen. Listen to the whispers in their breathing, listen to the weeps and the joys..its as if he himself was experiencing the lives of the people whose lives he took for their cause. And it was oddly..comforting. To know that they aren’t like him..that their creations were ALIVE unlike his. 

The last generation had fought fiercely and yet..when their opponent was finally in front of them, when the very beast they fought for centuries was right in front of their eyes everything..everything went downhill. Cecidit Puer was almost godlike, hie mere voice was enough to drive people to insanity..and as much as his brothers tried to resist the white vulture still broke through to them and caused his very family to tear each other apart. Al-Akhayr couldn’t do anything against it, he could only watch as the white vulture carelessly turned his back as if he were bored and return to the shadows while his brothers tore through each others flesh, bit through each others bones and destroyed each others components. Al-Akhayr couldn’t do anything. Because if he interfered his death was guaranteed…they were so much stronger than him. The last thing he remembers was the deafening silence after the fight and the smell of copper in the air, the choking breaths of his brothers as they pathetically drowned in their own blood. Out of desperation Al-Akhayr had remembered what he had learned about his own power and used it as a last effort to keep his brothers alive, to not walk this dying planet alone. He hoped that their dying bodies would suffice as he reconstructed their bodies..and the result was his very guardian god Bastet, looking down at him with piercing yellow eyes. Though the whispers in its breath were not just his brothers…he could hear so much more in many more voices…As if…the entirety of the dua yitlachi were now by his side. All of their restless spirits since the very beginning now watching and fighting besides him. Though that was just a theory..a theory he so desperately wanted to be true.

“ I stand before you on my own you ungodly BEAST! However you know as well as I do that I bear within the fury of all those you destroyed! My masters, my brothers, ME!”

-more detailed information- OPTIONAL


The due yitlachi are a special kind of they evolved with time as well. What once had been a fight between fists and spears had slowly evolved into a time where artificial metal and complex machinery are used, and that is the case for Al-Akhayr as well. First let’s clear something up, alternates of puers creation are not able to be killed. You can shoot them in the face, decapitate them, incinerate them or hell throw them in a tub of acid but- they will die for just a moment. After a few hours these wretched beasts will crane their head and regenerate with absolute ease. Since these alternates were created by an inhuman source which borders to godhood the only way to kill them is with something GODLESS. Something that defies godhood in every way, or shortly said: something artificial. So before the dua yitlachi have created something called Godless Steel which is a purely chemical combination of elements and metal, it appears with a golden shine but has small black impurities all over its surface. This metal is extremely hard to bend or break but weighs barely anything, due to its tense surface it is resistant to most trauma being inflicted on it and bears one winning trait: It can kill the unkillable. Due to its godless heritage Godless steel is able to effectively kill godly creations and ridden the world of alternates who have previously been impossible to kill, they even have their armor made out of this forged metal which means some alternates also cannot pierce through it without extreme effort. Anyways now that that’s cleared up let’s get to Al-Akhayr, due to him being the youngest and most aggressive member of the last generation Al-Akhayr wields a large long ranging weapon, the double edged scythe. Not only is the scythe a symbol of death (which is his prophecy) but it also requires extreme skill and patience to master which is why such devious weapon was given to the most impatient one of the group. The back of the scythe shows the maw of Ammit decorated with the edge of another spear within, this has the purpose of ramming it into the enemies body while the maw of Ammit clamps down and keeps them in place, preventing them from escaping, the top of the scythe has a laying crescent moon like shape symbolic to the laying crescent moon of Arabia and very effective to slash enemies even behind shields or borders. If you look closely on Al-Akhayr reference sheet you can see very distinguished mechanical pieces resembling engines who boke out of his back, elbows and lower legs. These engines are extremely powerful and extremely advanced even for modern times, being equipped with magnesium within the depths of these engines they can produce a bright blinding white flame and spray the 2000 degree hot fire flakes all over the affected area, due to the fact that magnesium is highly explosive these engines are actually not used in the way normal engines are used. In fact they work with the force of explosion which can make Al-Akhayr incredibly fast in the air. These engines are also located on his elbows, his entire lower arm being made out of machinery, since the location is so fitting Al-Akhayr can create a smaller explosion and hit with extreme force onto the wished target, the force being strong enough to easily crush someones skull without much thought behind it. Now to the main and most important part of his weaponry, an ability which was bread into the dua yitlachi over centuries: Positive destruction. In order to fight a god you have to be the polar opposite of them, and while Puers negative creation ability allows him to forge an alternative being out of an already existing being the positive destruction ability allows the user to use two or more already existing creatures and destroy them to an molecular level, then remold them into one more powerful being. Unlike Puers alternates the beasts created by dua yitlachi remain fully conscious and aware of what is happening, however they do similarly experience unwavering loyalty towards the one who created them, which in this case is Al-Akhayr, and act as a form of servant warrior to them. Unlike Negative Creation, Positice destruction does NOT require consent of the opposite person and instead can be used wherever and on whoever Al-Akhayr wishes to use it on, however if the resistance of the victim is too strong then it can physically weaken Al-Akhayr to a point where he himself has to sacrifice pieces of himself in order to support the process of Positive Destruction, however it can be halted if Al-Akhayr is inflicted with physical trauma which lets his concentration falter. Every dua yitlachi creation is equipped with inbred speakers to play the sounds of corruption, these sounds are meant to disorient alternates as they interfere with the natural sequence of puers voice leading the alternates and can often be compared to ancient chanting or howling.


Ohhhh now to the best part about Al-Akhayr, his nasty ass gnarly chihuahua looking goofy ass self. Considering that he came from an organization which pretty much forcibly bred innocent civilians in order to fight a greater evil  and has been fighting absolute monstrosities who look like deformed humans who have been chewed and spat out by multiple cows- he came out fine. It is important to mention that many normal human feelings have been bread out of these cyborgs over time, normal feelings such as hunger, exhaustion, love and empathy so that it doesn’t get in the way of their line of work. Even though the dua yitlachi have good intentions of curing the world of a virus no one except for them can fight, they still had extremely unethical ways of getting to that goal- of getting to the last generation of dua yitlachi who bear the very power they were trying to create. And selectively breeding people for centuries was just one of the evil… Unlike his brothers who had extremely righteous personalities and were righteous up to the brim, fighting for the goal of curing the world of the evil of Puer, Al-Akhayrjust..he didn’t have a feeling for that. No, Al-Akhayr from the very beginning on was neither righteous nor was his goal to protect humanity from the terrors of Puer, since he was born the weakest of the last generation and the smallest at that it has always been his goal to surpass his brothers and become more powerful, tasting the adrenaline and strength his body emitted. And yes while it did lead to him being an incredible weapon against the alternates it..also made Puer catch interest in him. The vulture was aiming for godhood, wanting to become more and more powerful until not even the artificial could stop him and his army anymore…and in order to archive that Puer had to merge with the personification of humanity, aka a dua yitlachi. But that had to happen on a willing basis which of course not a single generation approved of due to their strong righteous willpower..all generations up until Al-Akhayr who was the first dua yitlachi do have a goal different from the others. A goal which potentially allowed Puer to manipulate the warrior into becoming one with him and archive ultimate godhood, making Puer obsessed with making Al-Akhayr agree upon the merging. Making Puer obsessed with Al-Akhayr. Though Al-Akhayr may have an unstable and selfish goal, however that doesn’t mean that he cant differ wrong from right and every time again he declines Puer..however his mind cant help but wander…if Puer can actually give him the strength he craves? Anyway, Al-Akhayr is known to be extremely wild and untamed. He is unpredictable and can often even come off as manic especiall when fighting, though his cluelessness of the human world and how social interactions work can make for some quite interesting moments especially since it was pretty much bred into all dua yitlachi to fight. Fight no matter who is in front of you. What matters is the result. An unbeaten warrior, even though he finds loneliness often gnawing at the back of his head, that’s when he looks back at his loyal creation and..feels a strange warmth curling up in his chest. As if even though the future of the world was now in his hands alone that his brothers were still watching him through the eyes of his if all generations of dua yitlachi were watching him carefully through his own soul. And that alone is enough to fuel Al-Akhayr with enough anger and hatred towards Puer, he will kill the wretched white vulture and prove to everyone that this was MEANT to be. That the prophecy will not end with HIM. His appearance can also be heavily based on the prophecy that was given to the elders of Ancient Egypt. He bears the mask of Bastet the goddess of fertility meant to give his offspring the strength of their ancestors. The brain piece molded into the head of the god of wisdom Thot, meant to give Al-Akhayr the intelligence to look past lies and deceit, the wings of Isis attached to the veil of his mask meant to give him freedom and the ability to break from the chains of evil that will someday wrap around his body like wicked snakes.