Solarel placeholder



1 year, 4 months ago



Solitary and dedicated, Solarel is the Chief of Science of Kosmetropolii City. What he lacks in a desire to spend time around others he makes up for with his dedication to various studies to help make life better for every resident of the city. He tends to spend most of his time by himself with a few of his trusted friends, though he enjoys traveling and trying out a variety of different fields of study. 

  • Solitary - Solarel prefers the company of one or two others at most.
  • Caring - Even if he has a hard time showing it, Solarel cares deeply about making life easier for people.
  • Stiff - Solarel struggles with expressing his emotion visibly.
  • Trying new things - he will try anything at least once.
  • Successful experiments - I mean, what scientist DOESN'T get a rush of happiness when things go right?
  • Weather patterns - Cybertron doesn't have a lot of weather, so he enjoys this aspect of organic planets.

Forged in Polyhex, Solarel began his functioning as a member of the Engineering Corps. He was...fine, with this function, but found it rather dull. He picked up on new concepts and tasks very fast - and this was noticed by one of the foremen. He was pulled from the Corps and offered a rare opportunity to study a scientific field.

Choosing Chemistry, Solarel was again a quick learner and proved his intelligence at every turn. Being an atypical frame type for a scientist, however, Solarel often found his efforts to advance in his chosen field halted. 

War was brewing elsewhere on Cybertron. And Solarel wanted no part in it. Seeing an opportunity to both get away from the rising tensions and to stop being stifled by the unseen ceiling he seemed to keep hitting, Solarel put his name down to join an expedition to head off-world and found a colony. He was accepted, and felt no real sadness to leave Cybertron behind.

The colony that Solarel had joined ended up landing upon the planet that Kosmetropolii lay dormant upon, and they moved into the Titan's city. As the years passed, Solarel proved countless times that he was able to rise to many different challenges, expanding his studies into various scientific fields. 

By the time the war ended and Kosmetropolii prepared to return to Cybertron with his denizens, Solarel had been voted Chief of Science, and he retained this position once they got back to his home planet. He still sticks mostly to himself, but has continued to study and expand his knowledge at every available opportunity.

  • Solarel secretly enjoys trashy romance novels. So much of his life and enjoyment is ruled by strictly logical things, he likes indulging in the silliness of these stories at times.
  • Despite the fact that Solarel often seems to self-isolate and has regular contact with a very small amount of people, he fears being truly alone. 
  • Solarel is a pacifist and a conscientious objector, and making weaponry is the only field of study he refuses to enter.
  • Solarel has very pale optics, due to overheating slightly while being forged. It doesn't affect his vision, just looks somewhat strange. He had his goggles permanently affixed for this reason. 
  • Despite finding most myths and legends silly, Solarel is convinced that he may someday be able to synthesize a safe synthetic energon, which is arguably a myth in it's own way.


Companion / Unofficial Protector
Solarel lives in Kosmetropolii's city. He often visits the chamber that houses the Titan's head, speaking with him and offering his companionship. It takes a special kind of mech to have the patience to communicate with a Titan, and Solarel is nothing if not patient.



Former Friends / ??? 
When they both lived in Polyhex before the war, Solarel and Virtuo were close. They haven't seen each other in a very long time, however, and Virtuo...has changed significantly.
By the time they reunite, Virtuo's intentions have become drastically different. Solarel has no idea. 

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