
1 year, 4 months ago


Lore Related Info

- Lived in The Village of Dragonflys, Dryagana (Pronounced Dree-a-gar-nah). Went away for some time, and came back to find Dryagana in dismay.
- They had a different symbol for essence, which Aurora has on her Necklace and sword. (Their beliefs were slightly different, but still basically Dreams n shit)

- Some Dragonflys wear masks, others do not. Its a choice, and even if they do, they can take them off as they want.

- Everyone was either Dead, Trying to kill her or mutated.
- Aurora had to Slaughter what remained of the ones that still had some sort of consience, as she didnt know what else to do when all she had now was people tryna kill her. This includes her family and friends, if they hadn't already been killed.
- As one would imagine this experience traumatised and emotionally scarred Aurora.

- Now, she travels the lands, looking for answers, and what shes supposed to do now. All she ever knew was pretty much in Dryagana, now its all gone...

Other Info

- Aurora is usually quiet, but does talk a bit more with people she trusts. Will fight if she needs to, but since a certain event happened, it can give her traumatic flashbacks and a bit of anxiety.
- Aurora had a lover
- The mask she took used to belong to her Lover, it got cracked when she had to defend herself from them after coming back to Dryagana.
- Collects the Masks of other Creatures.
- She can access her own Dream Realm at any time, which is where she keeps most of her things.


Mother: Tamarack  [DEAD]

Father: Haven  [DEAD]

Older Brother: Kalani  [DEAD]

Partner (Lover): Ivy [???]