


1 year, 7 months ago



— Name: Rend’Run - or Rend

— Species: Utahraptor

— Sex: Male (he/him)

— Age: Adult

— Colour mutation: Melanistic


— Pack status: Pack Pestyl aka Pest Control, currently setting up and looking for hatchlings

.Brokenbark - Neiko

.Oxide - Kor


(Is subject to change and or grow)

— Mate: Brokenbark - Alpha to the pack Rend tends to follow her around closely and execute her rules

— Offspring:

.Gizmo - Gizmo

— Adoptees: N/A - ^^^


— Likes: Pack customs and time together, successful hunts, sparring with packmates to better their skills, strategic placements when hunting, supervising the spars

— Dislikes: Large horned herbivores, Thalassodromeus, rival Utahraptors packs, opportunistic carnivores willing to steal pack kills  

— General territory patrolled: Great Plains (preferred territory), Impact Crater (when territory is low on creatures), will occasionally migrate depending on the needs of the pack

— General personality and common behaviors:

.Loyal and loud spoken, Rend’Run is a bold utahraptor. He on his own is willing to risk more and take on more risky opponents, this isn’t necessarily good. However with his pack he’s far more considerate as he doesn’t want to lose them.

He tends to follow Brokenbark since they met, she was the first raptor he encountered after the loss of his parent. His undying loyalty appears to come from this bond.

.As a hatchling, he lost his lone parent. Not being a part of a pack at any point until subadult. The risky behaviors often come from the cautious opportunistic nature of his parent before which resulted in death.  

.Rend is an exceptionally adaptable raptor, learning from mistakes frequently. This causes him to switch up and change his behaviors as he learns and grows.