⚙️🪓 METTLE 🔥🗝️



1 year, 4 months ago


THIS MF ISTG (absolutely mostly-stole asters format)

mettle !! - he/it (he/him pref) - cinthean

nf solider - on the cusp of 18 moons - ex-pc

personality lols

As an ex-Paraclanner wrecked by his situation, Mettle wouldn't be called skilled at handling his emotions. Filling any grief with anger, Mettle isn't sad often and meets most anything that upsets him with aggression. He has a violent streak, and will argue with anyone who so much as challenges his tales of the perils of clan life or speaks well on Para. He's a little bit morally off, viewing most acts as at least redeemable for a goal he agrees with. There are few things off the table, but most things involving kids fall into that category. Though he has little sympathy for any cat who does bad, childhood is a touchy subject for him and he's better able to relate to cats with similar experiences to his.

As he was a loner for a few moons as an adolescent, it knows how rough the world can be, and alongside the life experience it already had, it became extremely distrustful of the world and everyone in it. It believes everyone has an ulterior motive, and while not everybody has bad intentions, everyone acts in the interest of themselves, including Mettle. It is willing to steal, lie, and kill to protect itself, and expects the same of others.

Mettle has not made any close relationships with anyone during its moons, and is generally not looking for any. Its outlook on the world is tainted, and its aggressive and distrustful personality tends to push most anyone far, far away. The cats it most often squabble with and the cats it respects tend to earn a special place in its heart, highlighted by over-concern and grief for people it doesn't know. One may think Mettle hates them-- which it probably does-- but if it sees them in distress, it may weakly offer comfort to them. It's used to caring for cats they feud with, and it really has no one else.

It's not uncommon for Mettle to be in a physical altercation with a cat, leading to a few scars and a lot of enemies. He doesn't take any of the fights seriously (yet), but his suffering makes him angry and his anger makes him energized. He hates things, and he wants to fight the people who represent them. Half of Paraclan knows him as the stick bug that's always trying to brawl. He seeks attention from others, and will prod harder and feel dejected when sagely ignored.

Quick-witted and clever, but maybe not the best at considering his own health, Mettle really does know how to get by. Due to his more self-destructive habits however, he's alone, violent, and is probably on the road to go further and further down. Often, the smart thing to do is not what the bright Mettle will do, best judgement quickly clouded by an angry haze.

Mettle is not religious, in fact, he's strictly against religion. Though he was raised on high tales of what would happen to the disobedient cats, he has come to reject anything that he thinks is from his home-faction. Still, he retains a lot of the morals of epics, living by a mantra of no redemption and no apologies