SFW Commissions (Fortune-Telling Card)



10 months, 3 days ago


  Any divination deck welcomed, tarot, oracle, angels, etc, maybe even a fictional deck according to your worldbuilding ╰(▔∀▔)╯ As long as I can find references/you can provide them for me, we can create!

  How the pricing works: there'll be a character in evidence and this will count as the flat price. Everything else counts as background, including other characters if any. If the background doesn't have many scene elements and they're not very complex, it's a simple background. If the background has other character(s) and/or many scene elements, it's a complex background, and the amount of these elements will determine the extra percentage.

  Feel free to pick whatever theme for whatever reason. Maybe you wanna see your ship as The Lovers major arcana, but their story doesn't match the card's meaning? That's totally fine. Or maybe you have a character that would fit The Sun's meaning perfectly, but their design only has cool colors? That's also fine. Be it for meaning, aesthetic or both combined, I'm here to serve you.

  If you'd like a complex composition based on the character's lore intertwined with the card's meaning (like The Devil in examples), be prepared to info dump and brainstorm ideas with me! So I know exactly what you expect and what I should or should not include. You can link me their profile and I'll be glad to read it. I'll just ask you to summarize important points in case it's especially extensive.

  You'll get both versions: illustration itself + illustration in card layout. I won't design a new layout as they're pre made, but you're free to send me your own preferred layout template if you have it!