Ashton Hamato (ROTTMNT)



1 year, 4 months ago


  • Name: Anastasia (redacted), Ashton (current)
  • Age:14 (season 1), 15 (season 2), 16 (movie)
  • Gender Identity: Agender
  • Pronouns: They/Them
  • Sexuality: Aroflux Bisexual 
  • Species: (Mutant) Striped mud turtle
  • Height: 4'2/127cm

Ashton is a mutant striped mud turtle. They were one of Baron Draxum's experiments but unlike the four brothers they ended up getting accidentally left behind by Lou Jitsu during the big fight he had with Draxum.

After Lou Jitsu escaped and the lair started to explode and catch fire Draxum saved the small mud turtle and kept them as they were the only experiment that was still present and the only one he was able to keep/save from the explosion.

When Draxum first started caring for Ashton the had dubbed them Anastasia as he has a preference for more fanciful and regal sounding names.

Early on in their time with Draxum was when they were discovered to have mystic powers that appeared to be linked to emotion to an extent. (Huge spikes of emotion would trigger the mystic powers and the less controlled the emotions the less controlled the powers will be). 

Over time Draxum taught them to harness their power and gain control of their emotions so that they could properly use their powers to the fullest extent possible.

This entire time Draxum was telling Ashton that they were his only major experiment and that they were his one true magnum opus, that they were his only and most important experiment, he was hellbent on keeping them for the purpose of creating a warrior.

During the first episode "Mystic Mayhem" is when Ashton finds out that Draxum was lying to them and that they really were only chosen because they were all that was left. They feel lied to and feel as if Draxum does not truly love them which causes them to run away from him and spend time alone in the city (albeit they start out dazed, confused, and distraught). After running away is when they name themself Ashton.

Season 1 of rise focuses on them dealing with the feeling of betrayal while season 2 deals with them repairing their relationship with Draxum