


1 year, 4 months ago


"Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep // dreaming about the things that we could be."

Captain Virian

[ About ]


Virian is part of the Starcrossed series, a private RP between myself and ronnie_sawyer. The story follows two enemy kingdoms, Dawnmore and Starlester. Tensions continue to rise between the kingdoms, and the Queen of Dawnmore sends assassins after the royal family of Starlester -- but just as the disguised princess would have been killed, she is saved by a mysterious stranger, and the two begin to fall in love. Lavina returns home as the kingdoms declare war on one another, unaware that the stranger who saved her life was none other than the strongest knight in all of Dawnmore, Denzell Everett.

Virian is best friends with Denzell and serves as the Captain of the Royal Guard. Although he's still quite young, he is a respected captain. The previous captain chose Virian to be his successor because above all else, Virian has a good heart. He cares about his soldiers, and his loyalty will carry him when his strength falters. Virian takes his position very seriously -- it means everything to him.

Despite his status, Virian is not actually that strong. He's a great fighter, but his magical ability is extremely limited. If he uses any magic during a fight, it is usually confined to a small boost here and there, or an extra jump. Against a standard soldier, he will thrive, but against a sorcerer, he may struggle. Virian is all too aware of this, and though he tries to keep his confidence high, he can't help but feel inadequate -- especially compared to Captain Lavender. He is unaware of the similarities between them.

[ Personality ]


  • Denzell
  • His soldiers
  • Warm, dusty colors
  • Being around people


  • Captain Lavender
  • Not being taken seriously
  • Not being listened to


Virian was chosen to be captain because of his good heart. He cares about each of his soldiers and wholeheartedly believes that's the way to earn their respect -- until he sees Captain Lavender, of course. Virian's heart will be both his biggest strength and his greatest flaw. It may very well be his downfall.

[ Basics ]

Pronouns He/Him
AGE 23
Height 6'2
OCCUPATION Royal Captain
RESIDENCE Goldview, Dawnmore

[ Story & Trivia ]


  • Years ago, Denzell was cursed and lost most of their magic. The sorcerer -- Prince Dusk - was aiming for Virian, but Denzell took the blow instead to save their best friend. Virian still feels guilty for this.
  • Although he remembered their face from years past and fought with them at first, Virian has grown to actually really like Dusk. On the first day they officially met, they play-fought in the river over some ice cream. He insisted that he wasn't having fun, but he was lying.
  • When Denzell first told him about their meeting with Princess Lavina of Starlester, his reaction was surprisingly not to tell them they need to cut it off. Instead, he joked about how they somehow managed to pull a princess. He encouraged them to stop seeing her because they insisted they must, but he never really cared what they did, as long as they were happy.

[ Relationships ]

Best Friend

Lord Denzell

Denzell and Virian have been friends for nearly their entire lives, and he would do anything for them. The two sometimes have a bit of a flirty relationship, calling each other things like "dear" and "pookie" and "baby." They may have had fleeting feelings for each other growing up, but they never stuck around. Still, they care about each other deeply, and it shows in everything they do. Sometimes he wishes they could go back in time so he could take that curse for them.

Best Friend?

Prince Dusk

Dusk and Virian originally met years ago in battle, where Denzell was cursed by them. Upon meeting again, Virian greatly disliked them at first. However, within that same meeting, they were getting along extremely well. Their personalities click just right, and now they act as if they've been friends their whole lives. When Dusk was disquised as Dawn, Virian despised Dawn and attacked them, revealing their identity and preventing them from fighting in the war again. He cared too much about their safety to continue fighting himself, and was replaced by Captain Bori in the war, permanently stripped of his title. Despite this crushing fact, Virian's closeness with Dusk while he stays "imprisoned" in Starlester makes it all worth it, and he would risk it all a thousand times over to save them if he needed to. With Dusk's strained relationship with Lavina, Dusk often sleeps in Virian's room at night. They cheered him up when he was fired, and he kept them happy through the stress of war and crumbling friendships. It's only a matter of time before he realizes just how much they mean to him.


Captain Lavender

Lavender is everything Virian wishes he could be. With her great title as the "Angel of Starlester," it is clear that she is not meant to rival him -- rather, her greatest foe, the only one to match her in strength, is Denzell, the "Demon of Dawnmore." The first time Virian and Lavender fought, she could have killed him, but her mercy was great enough to spare his life and allow him to flee. On another occassion, she commanded his troops to leave, and they obeyed her orders instead of his. He has only bested her once and he was fired soon after. Virian despises Lavender, but he respects her too much to truly hate her. One day, he will come to recognise how similar they actually are.