Venus's Comments

Are u looking for resale at all? I have one jw humanoid/fantasy worth 95 I can throw in as well!

i can consider a full resale in the form of a voucher!

hey ! are you still interested in doing money for east?

Ah sorry I’m not! Thank you tho’

Not one from your LF, but I could still offer this lovely for them! I’d send you the pending piece by Sebjir when finished of course. I could offer a bit of cash alongside too, like $100.00?

Edit: I can alternatively offer a voucher too!

hey ! how much of a voucher would you be capable of?

hey ! are you still interested in doing money for east?

Hello! I might be able to do that yeah! Let me get back to you here later today. :>

But I think I can do this yeah! 

ooo really ? how much of a voucher would you be capable of :3

Depends! I’m waiting to hear back from someone about doing a voucher for me since they’re interested in one of my characters. But it’d likely be in the $200.00-$250.00 range. I’ll let you know though! 

ye definitely !!

1 Replies

I crunch their horns 

gosh I just love the way you draw your art is such a huge inspiration to me